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Show me your tidy cabinet! (Now piccies of my tidy cabinet!

LondonDragon said:
George Farmer said:
Get William on board, I say!
He is already registered just shy to contribute haha I will see if I can pursuade him!

will do a journal on your tank,its wonderfull...i would like to find out tank specs and dosinging regime.
Hi all,
heres my cabinet left and right sides, size wise its 150 x 50 x 60 cm



regards john,

oh yes that williams setup is awesome
Heres mine after a quick tidy...
Dan Crawford said:
Heres mine after a quick tidy...

Tidy? You call chucking the food and a bag of gravel in the corner, putting the TPN and tweezers on the table, and pushing the bucket nearly out of the camera's frame tidying?

Your mother would cry! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Yes she would, luckily i live with my two mates, Jack and Jones 😉
I meant a tidy of the cabinet, the stuff that is strewen all over the place is whats come out and isn't going back in 😀
aaronnorth said:
thats a lot of easycarbo, or is it the full range?!
By the colours of the caps looks like the full range 😉
oh goodness your tanks are tidy! Mine would take a day of tidying to get like one of them! I just chuck stuff in/around and I can't even open the doors properly... I've let it go and it won't come back!
Wow, some of you have really tidy cabinets!

My new Rio 180 cabinet is a mess... Even the plugs are outside the cabinet right now. I do keep meaning to sort it out, but life keeps getting in my way! Once I manage it, I'll post a pic...
I think Ceg is going through torture looking at the amount of cabinets with test kits in them :lol:
