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Shoaling fish suggestions

Hi all,
I always found it interesting that when I had a lot of floating plants me ember tetras change behaviour. Much of the threat fish perceive seems top be from above.
The difference is absolutely <"chalk and cheese">. I really feel sorry for small fish in iwagumis etc. and I still think about @Dr Mike Oxgreen's <"innovative approach"> in <"What's wrong with my chili rasboras?">.

........ But I now think the real key is surface cover. It seems that chillies don't like open surface. The challenge for me now is to find a way of pruning the hornwort so that it provides fairly thick surface cover but doesn't block your view into the tank..........


cheers Darrel
Yes Darrel, I started to type that, then bit my tongue! Fish must be terrified to be trapped in a glass device with light pouring in the sides, a carpet, some wood covered with moss, bright light above, and no floating plants. They must feel like constant targets. "Help ... blahblahblahblah ... but hey, nice carpets"
I want you all to know that my fish are highly approving of my wooden floor. So there. 😉
I watch a lot of Biotopial and Below Water You Tube videos and most of the small fish like Tetras spend a lot of their lives in gatherings of what must be hundreds in very dark shady places ,so it puts buying half a dozen or so in a brightly lit aquarium into why it's not a good idea