I don't think its just the politically correct answer, I think it is the only real answer.
Yes and No...
🙂 The industry and if they fail to do this the government needs to take action and responsibility...
I can give a simple example named "Margarine" look up it's history i bet very few people know about its true origin.
In a nutshell, it's a French invention from the Napoleonic war era... Because of the war, there was a major food supply shortage for the military. Back in those days bread, butter and milk were somewhat essential... But there was little and even less butter available. Napoleon asked a Chemist if he could come up with a solution. And this guy hustled a bit of all kind of cheap readily available waste product greasy stuff, water,
emulsifiers and colour agents together and found a way to make it look like and taste somewhat like butter. And so be it, Margarine was born. And the army had a full belly feeling again. After the war, it was discarded and the recipe ended up in the archives not to be seen anymore.
If you ever come to France, hop into a shop and ask for Margarine. You will not find it and everybody you ask about it will lift their nose and give you the advice that you should not eat this nasty crap...
But there happened to be a few smart Dutch guys that found out about this recipe and smelled a profit and they bought the patent. Went back home and started producing Margarine... This crap became known as Poor men's Planta butter and it was advertised as Very healthy vegetable origin butter for not 1 penny too much. It literally was everywhere, in every magazine and newspaper, on the television day in day out... "Why does what the Bakker makes tastes so good? It can only be Margarine."
Nobody knew what it only knows it is allegedly from vegetable and it's cheap and it looks like butter... And what do you do? In good faith, you buy it and eat it... The producers started putting in all kinds of crap to keep up with the demand. Till the 1960's they did put some emulsifiers in it that proofed to be a tad bad. 4 people died, 1000nds got sick with fever and skin rash etc. 100ds of people ended up in the hospital before finally was determined it was the Margarine.
Sorry! Better next time... Not even a slap on the wrist... It was forgotten again not long after...
You know who this was and what happened to them? They still are selling it today all over Darn Healthy as is and for not 1 Penny too much, except still not in France.
It all started with Mr Lever and the Margarine Union buying the patent... One day having enough of competing each other they decided it's best to cooperate and founded Unilever.
This is nowadays one of the worlds biggest multinationals in the food industry and affiliated. Healthy Margarine made it all happen. So powerfull and darn filthy rich you won't believe it... They could buy countries if they not done this already.
Unfortunately, I can not find an international article about their unfortunate Planta (Margarine) Affair... Guess why that is?
They rather don't want the whole world to know...
Yes, people have a demand, but no responsibility about how food is made and what is in it. And it could be me, I've never noticed a label on a package saying "This is Unhealthy - Eat at own risk!"
Your statement about that only real answer makes everybody stupid and Unilever very smart... And with that, I disagree sincerely. There is a big difference in smart and being totally unscrupulous... And that's what they actually really are but don't want us to know.