Really interesting, thought provoking discussion, to all involved.
What are you willing to give (away) to make all these issues go away?
For me this pretty much sums up the whole thread, be it waterway pollution or climate change.
A few summers ago when Greta was doing her thing I had some rather in depth discussions with my eldest daughter and I asked her what she was prepared to give up to help facilitate the change she craved.
Was she prepared to give up the convinient wipes that removed her make up, which coincidentally were probably made of or produced using various toxic chemicals, could she manage without the latest iPhone, those snasy Nike trainers, the laptop, those colourful clothes in the wardrobe, the car sat on the drive, how about stay cations in England rather than that week in ibiza? The answer I got back was "why, it won't change anything"
Well if we the people want change, it is believe it or not within our grasp, but we really have to want it, and be prepared to make personal sacrifices to achieve it.
The oil companies only supply oil because we the people consume it.
The plastic companies only produce plastic because we the people demand it.
The earth is mined for its precious minerals because you guessed it "we the people" want it.
I don't blame the multinational companies or the politicians for the mess we're in, I blame ourselves and I firmly believe we all have a part to play in fixing it, if that's what we really desire.
I'm unashamedly happy with my lot and won't be walking or cycling the 12 miles to work every day to save the planet.