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Setting up a 'higher' tech planted tank

Excellent tutorial for which many thanks. My apologies for missing this before posting an introduction yesterday that included lots of questions you had covered! Newbies...! 😳
Mawgan said:
Excellent tutorial for which many thanks. My apologies for missing this before posting an introduction yesterday that included lots of questions you had covered! Newbies...! 😳

Thanks and no worries on missing it the first time. If you still have any questions after reading it then ask away!
Hey, i must have read over this a few times now, really helpful, just wanted to know as i have the same tank as you how much do i increase the ei dosing by after the first month does it go to double or do i just slightly increase if i see yellowing plants or algea?
tko187 said:
Hey, i must have read over this a few times now, really helpful, just wanted to know as i have the same tank as you how much do i increase the ei dosing by after the first month does it go to double or do i just slightly increase if i see yellowing plants or algea?

I never increased the dosing. If you're seeing signs of deficiencies then increasing it would be a good idea but I'm not sure you'd need to double it! Each tank will vary slightly depending on plant load, growth rate and a thousand and 1 other things so you will have to play it by ear a little.
You do not need to add ammonia to your tank. It's pointless, especially in a planted tank, and especially if you are using Amazonia or soil/compost sediments, which leach large amounts of ammonia into the water column. You should concentrate more on doing frequent and large water changes and forget about ammonia. Check the discussion in the thread Fishless cycling and EI dosing | UK Aquatic Plant Society

You do not need to add ammonia to your tank. It's pointless, especially in a planted tank, and especially if you are using Amazonia or soil/compost sediments, which leach large amounts of ammonia into the water column. You should concentrate more on doing frequent and large water changes and forget about ammonia. Check the discussion in the thread Fishless cycling and EI dosing | UK Aquatic Plant Society


Thanks for the comment, much appreciated. I'm using power sand and colombo flora base as a substrate. I thought the amount of ammonia that would leach from the substrate would be minimal, and not enough to properly cycle the tank? I'll have a read through the link you provided. Thanks again!