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Scape Fu podcasts

Hey thanks! We thanked you in the latest episode![DOUBLEPOST=1403923778][/DOUBLEPOST]Hi everyone!

ScapeFu Podcast episode 17: The Basics of Lighting a Planted Aquarium & George Farmer is now live!

We have a great segment on Interzoo 2014, a wonderful interview with George Farmer and we talk all about the basics of lighting a planted aquarium. Please go check it out!

You can find it on iTunes and on ScapeFu.

Please let me know what you think!

Thanks and regards,

Just finished listening to the most recent podcast. I'm famous! Another fantastic episode! Very interesting discussion about lighting, and a great interview with George. Thanks a lot guys, really enjoying these podcasts. Look forward to the next one.
Hey Art

Nice to see you on UKAPS too 🙂

I'm a regular visitor of you website and think it's pretty awesome what you're doing. Also great to see another WP Genesis user in our hobby 😀

Hi everyone!

ScapeFu Podcast episode 23: 3 Ways to Put Story into Your Aquascape is now live!

All great aquascapes tell a story, very much like great photographs or paintings. In this episode, I share 3 ways you can put a story into yours to make it awesome.

Go have a listen and, if you like what you hear, please subscribe.

You can find it on iTunes and on ScapeFu.

Please let me know what you think!

Thanks and regards,

Hi everyone!

I'm not sure how often this thread catches anyone's attention here at UKAPS but I figured I would update those that do find it.

The ScapeFu Podcast is now up to episode 35 (The 1 Thing Takashi Amano Does That YOU Don't) with episode 36 (5 Reasons You Should Enter an Aquascaping Contest) being released tonight.

I've also started a sister podcast called the Ask Art Podcast. It's a short-format, weekly podcast where I answer your aquarium-related questions.

If you submit a voicemail question via the http://askart.help instructions, I send you a free Ask Art t-shirt like the one attached.

If you do like the work we're doing, I would very much appreciate it if you would let your friends know. It's the only way we can spread the word.

Thanks and best personal regards,


Hi Art

I love your podcasts, I discovered ScapeFu thanks to this thread and now every time I travel I download them in my phone. In my case it is not only a good chance for learning about planted tanks but also for practicing English. Congrats!

Hi all,

It's been a while since I updated this thread with episodes. We are by episode 53 now.

How was your Valentines Day?

In a fun episode, JJ and Art share with you the aquascaping styles they are currently in love with. ScapeFu Podcast #53 is out. Click the link below.


The ScapeFu App is the best way to listen to us: iOS App | Android App