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Scape Fu podcasts

LondonDragon said:
If a Portuguese forum can get Mr Amano to do a demo setup at their annual "birthday" party I am sure they would be able to interview the man 😉
Sounds very cool! Do you have a link, Paulo?
Mr. Amano doesn't speak English, unfortunately. Mr. Hayakawa is a close associate and is the one that does speak good English and translates for him.

I may attempt an interview through him. I want to get a few more podcasts under my belt before, however. I should find my radio voice before doing it.


LondonDragon said:
a1Matt said:
Darren from Living Waters. (do not know his surname).

he is a fan of the podcasts 😉

Darren is one that I would like to hear on a podcast. He is absolutely amazing, and has a shop that is a dream to visit. My hero! 😀
Well said Luis. I've yet to meet another individual who has anywhere even vaguely close to his level of knowledge. Couple that with his passion for the scene and humble attitude and you've got a winning combo 🙂
Hi everyone,

I'm back at it and building a list of aquascapers that you would like for me to interview for the Scapefu podcast. Who are the current aquascapers of interest in your opinion?

And, yes, I have George on the list. I'll begin pestering him soon 😉.

Thanks and regards,

Really enjoyed your podcasts before so it's great that you're coming back! Personally, I'd like to listen to some people from companies such as Tropica, ADG, etc. As for aquascapers just look at the featured journals section, there's loads! And let's not forget Oliver Knott who was on your blog the last time I looked!


Hi all,

Just a quick note to say that I "re-released" episode 1 while I work on the new episodes. Think of it like a re-run but, if you haven't heard it before, it's new to you! This one has an interview with Eric Olson.

Would appreciate your thoughts and spreading the word. If you like what you hear, please subscribe via iTunes.

Thanks and kind regards,

Hi everyone!

Thanks, Thomas for your kind words.

I wanted to let everyone know that I've posted Episodes 1-4 so far. I'll be releasing all 12 episodes over the next few weeks. I hope you like them and ask that you send me your thoughts and comments.

If you like what you hear, I would ask that you please spread the word to friends. Word of mouth is the only way I can reach others who might enjoying the podcast and succeeding with aquascaping. You can download the podcasts from Scapefu.com, find it on iTunes (leave a rating!) and in Stitcher.

Thanks again!


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Hi everyone,

Episode 13 is now live! This time JJ and I are talking cycling the planted fish tank. We went out and asked Tom Barr what his thoughts on the subject were. As always, he shares nuggets of knowledge and wisdom.

Go have a listen.

It's available on iTunes (leave a review please!), ScapeFu.com, Stitcher and SoundCloud.

As always, your feedback makes the podcast possible. Please share it with us so that we can bring you what you want to hear. Email it, leave it here or on ScapeFu.

Hi everyone,

ScapeFu Podcast Episode 14 is now live! This time JJ and I welcome a new co-host, Jurijs, we discuss 5 tips to incorporate an aquarium into any room, and we have the first ever interview with Mike Senske of Aquarium Design Group talking about their new product line, Aquavas!

Go have a listen.

It's available on iTunes (leave a review please!), ScapeFu.com, Stitcher and SoundCloud. You can find the show notes on the ScapeFu Podcast Episode 14 page.

As always, your feedback makes the podcast possible. Please share it with us so that we can bring you what you want to hear. Email it, leave it here or on ScapeFu.

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