So been a while since I've posted on this thread mostly due to the not being much to share but things are changing the other half caught me measuring the corner where the 800 tank is and asked what are you up too
With a sheepish reply I said ummm nothing as you do and smiled and continued to work the tape measure with her watching on
The measurements of 1400 by 700 where perfect she then picked up my phone that was open on a page displaying the EA aquascaper 1200 she grinned and looked at me with a your not having another tank look on her face so I thought
So when she said that is beautiful I was a little surprised to say the least
I was even more surprised at the next line of the conversation
You can have one if you want needles to say my jaw hit the floor
As long as you let the other 3 go you can have one big tank instead of 3 little one
So the change begins the 60p

is now broke down and on the for sale section on ukaps the 45p will be broke down tomorrow the filter and co2 art reg have been sold already

so the light cabinet and glass will be cleaned and put on next
The 800 is being used as a holding tank at the moment but when the 1200 arrives will also be broken down and sold if any one has any intrest in any bits from any tank please PM me thanks watching I've loved scapes corner but it's time for a change il keep you posted