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Scape corner

Tempted to set up a 4th??? 😉
Haha no going to try my hardest to not do a rescape for 6 months (cough cough) but we will see at the moment I'm really enjoying them I like the simplistic 80 it reminds me of food I cook just clean and uncluttered the 45 and 60 are very much works in progress I think a rescaped more for the practise and the creative side and never really let anything mature enough so feel it's time to see how we can do over a period of time the 45 is almost 6 month old now so I've done pretty well for me Haha
Great progress :thumbup:
Great work Jay 🙂
I like your table top mountain type scape too 😉
Agree. Superb.🙂

Would also look cool with a bunch of twigs fanning out from behind.

Have a butchers if there are any dried oak ones still around near you!
So after carefully removing all the plants I sat back and watched the misses set about catching the shrimps asked her to try and count them as she pulled them out I put 25 in she has pulled out 112 hahaha