So the 60p is rescaped again I had just used plants from the previous scape and they wasnt right the glosso was too big and I didnt love it so ripped down and started again

this one I'm again going to try and make low maintenance not 100% but much lower than previous scapes
Hydrocotyle tripartita 'Japan' Tropica 1pot
Hygrophila pinnatifida 6 pots
Anubias nana Paxing 2 pots
Anubias mini mini 3 pots
Anubias Nana Mini 2 pots
Cryptocoryne Flamingo 3 pots
Bucephalandra Theia 3 pots
Juncus Repens 3 pots
Plagiomnium cf. Affine (Pearl Moss) 2 pots
Mini Christmas moss loads from Steve
As you can see from the list lots of slow growers
And very few back ground plants just to fill out heavy points at the back going to plant heavy to try and cut down on start up issues
The Hygrophila pinnatifida will be the main plant but want to.try and small and lowish
Not 100% sure this is the final hardscape going to have another play today before I start to glue and tie woods and rock
Thanks for looking any input welcome.