Hi there,
I have a planted tank and it has been up and running for just under three months now (details below)
1. Tank - Fluval Flex 34L (9g)
2. Filtration - Mixture of the built in mechanical and biological filter media, with an added bag of fluval biomax
3. Lighting - Built in tank lighting - 09:00 - 19:00
4. Substrate - Tropica Powder soil
5. Co2 - Non-dosing Co2
6. Ferts - One pump of Tropica premium nutrition every other day
7. Waterchange - 20% once weekly
8. Plants - Hygrophila Polysperma, anubias nana bonsai, bacopa compact, rotala rotundfolia, marsilea hirsuta, ludwigia mini super red, Eleocharis acicularis and Salvinia auriculata
9. Livestock - 10 red cherry shrimp, 7 chilli rasbora, 3 amano shrimp, 1 nerite snail
10. Hardscape - Seriyu stone (3 pieces), redmoor wood (2 pieces)
Water params as of 23/03/21:
PH - 7.6
Amonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
GH - 3.5
KH - 13
Temp - 25 C
Atttached a full tank photo and also a close up of the salvinia. The salvina started off absolutely thriving and covered the whole tank, but nowas you can see the leaves are disintegrating to nothing. There is still new growth appearing which is a good sign i think, but the excess waste organics from the rapidly decaying/melting leaves can't be great news for potential algae blooms etc. Just wondered if anyone had seen this before and why it might suddenly have started happening after starting so strongly.

I have a planted tank and it has been up and running for just under three months now (details below)
1. Tank - Fluval Flex 34L (9g)
2. Filtration - Mixture of the built in mechanical and biological filter media, with an added bag of fluval biomax
3. Lighting - Built in tank lighting - 09:00 - 19:00
4. Substrate - Tropica Powder soil
5. Co2 - Non-dosing Co2
6. Ferts - One pump of Tropica premium nutrition every other day
7. Waterchange - 20% once weekly
8. Plants - Hygrophila Polysperma, anubias nana bonsai, bacopa compact, rotala rotundfolia, marsilea hirsuta, ludwigia mini super red, Eleocharis acicularis and Salvinia auriculata
9. Livestock - 10 red cherry shrimp, 7 chilli rasbora, 3 amano shrimp, 1 nerite snail
10. Hardscape - Seriyu stone (3 pieces), redmoor wood (2 pieces)
Water params as of 23/03/21:
PH - 7.6
Amonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
GH - 3.5
KH - 13
Temp - 25 C
Atttached a full tank photo and also a close up of the salvinia. The salvina started off absolutely thriving and covered the whole tank, but nowas you can see the leaves are disintegrating to nothing. There is still new growth appearing which is a good sign i think, but the excess waste organics from the rapidly decaying/melting leaves can't be great news for potential algae blooms etc. Just wondered if anyone had seen this before and why it might suddenly have started happening after starting so strongly.