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Journal Salty Fingers

Thanks Nathan!

They are Doryrhamphus excisus. Would 100% keep again. So chill, hardy and beautiful!
Gotta get a pair of those... ADC never seems have to more than one though even when requested!

The mandarin is doing well... one day I will manage a photo, but he is very illusive and only appears for a few seconds every few days. Thinking of trying to get a female mandarin to keep him company, sods law they'll both live at the back still!
Gotta get a pair of those... ADC never seems have to more than one though even when requested!

The mandarin is doing well... one day I will manage a photo, but he is very illusive and only appears for a few seconds every few days. Thinking of trying to get a female mandarin to keep him company, sods law they'll both live at the back still!
That's strange, I wonder why that is!

Good to hear 🙂 I was most worried about the mandarin of all the creatures. He was quite bold and open when I first got him but I noticed once the macroalgae got denser he became recluse.