Toes? Dipped.
It's been a minute, and apparently I didn't update this journal for most of 2023. I put that down to 2023 being chaotically busy with events, meetups and moving. As a result this tank became a bit of a messy overgrowth, much to the mandarin's delight! I still managed to get a decent amount of scaping done and was arguably one of my favourite years in the hobby.
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So here's the last remaining photo I can find of the tank in decent condition before it had to be torn down, and probably my favourite...
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I bagged up all my macroalgae and gave it to someone... The mandarin is still living cosily with
@shangman and the pipes went to
@LondonAquascaper and have since moved on to a bigger home!
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I also found the photos/videos of the cleaning process using citric acid, if you're interested
@Sammy I .
Seeing some of
@shangman 's updates and some of my Canadian friends diving into saltwater got me really craving it again. My end goal has always been to have at least one saltwater and one freshwater tank but I can't commit to a big saltwater tank right now. So I'm going small...real small. Probably the smallest tank I've owned.
I wanted something that was small, experimental and took up no extra floor space. About 6 weeks ago I setup a pico saltwater in a DOOA Shizuku that I had lying around. I made a basic scape with some lava rock as experience has taught me that the hardscape will be GONE pretty soon lol. I added some Caribsea Arag Alive sand and an AI Nero 3 running on 1% (these things are amazingly versatile) and let it coast. My plan was to let it cook over the holidays and then get busy when I returned so I didn't have to ask anyone to look after it.
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I also discovered today that my refractometer needs calibrating. When I tested the salinity, it said 1.025 which is bang on, but took it to my LFS Fragbox Corals and it was actually 1.045! I'm pretty sure even the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean are not that salty. There were nitrates detectable, however, so I know the cycle is working. I might give it some fuel whilst I'm away so it doesn't stall and crash. I've been keeping it in a bucket in the dark whilst all this goes on to
1. test the structural integrity of the Shizuku (it's held up so far), and
2. discourage any nuisance algae growth in the early stages.
When I return, I'll be adding some macroalgae and maybe the easiest soft corals. The one thing I haven't decided on is lighting. I was trying to find a bulb I could retrofit to the desk lamp to maintain the room aesthetic but I've had no luck so far. If I can't use the lamp, I at least want it to be
circular to compliment the shape of the Shizuku and also be
white yet suitable for the reef like the Chihiros Slim was. Any suggestions welcome.