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saintly's "Prairie Lands"

Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

saintly said:
I look forward to see how you approach an iwagumi. 😀
Probably similar to you. 😉

This will be my fourth (after Jeremy's 120cm, 30cm Meadow Zephyr and 30cm Little Mountain), so I have no excuse not to get it right!

I think your tank's aspect ratio suits Iwagumi better than my 60cm.
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

George Farmer said:
think your tank's aspect ratio suits Iwagumi better than my 60cm.

much more room for to create highs and lows. although in NA book 3 (i think) amano definately said that the to do iwagumi in its purest form a 60 cm tank should be used. i found that quite interesting.

in book there are 2 stunning iwagumis in larger tanks
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

I've just received my dec 08 edition from sunny Japan of the aqua journal dedicated to iwagumi! some great scapes in there. i only buy it for the pics. you can learn just as much as written text.

so a tank full of inspiration! :lol:


i cant wait to get going with it! :shock:
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

saintly said:
amano definitely said that the to do iwagumi in its purest form a 60 cm tank should be used. i found that quite interesting.

i got myself thinking, and after looking at a few amano iwagumi scapes, especially the sanzon style (3 pillar) i thought to myself "i got a load of stone in the back garden"

it's blue stone, and if i'm honest i didn't like the look of it, but i thought what the heck lets try it! after all were in a recession and i cant really afford to keep blowing money.and upon using it, i instantly loved it

as i've mentioned this layout is based on 3 stones and a couple of backbone stones to finish it off. excuse the poor image as the glass was real dirty due to the old AS being like mud!

i personally like it, it follows most of the rules of iwagumi and I'm chuffed because it only took about 45 mins to do it 😀 I would say it's a lot more edgy than my other iwagumi attempts


I've still got to buy a couple of bags of substrate to cap it all off, but apart from that, this is what i'm going with. so I'm up and running quicker than i thought.

plant choice still remains the same. 😀
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

That's actually something totally different to what I expected mate, and its looks really unique and well balanced. You'll be adding more AS I take it? and what about a sand foreground? I wonder how she'd look with a partial sand foreground offset from the centre... maybe even a sandy corner...

What plants do you have in mind too bud?
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

JamesM said:
That's actually something totally different to what I expected mate, and its looks really unique and well balanced.

Thanks James, yeah, the balance does seem to sit right with this and it's a mile off what i planned on doing but I've looked at some of amanos works that are similar in look and, i feel confident that this will turn out fine.

i've considered the sand idea too. 😀

JamesM said:
I wonder how she'd look with a partial sand foreground offset from the centre... maybe even a sandy corner...

great thinking mate, i'm just not sure i got the balls.

there will be in addition to this substrate, at least 2 more bags of something!

plants will be

ELEOCHARIS ACICULARIS, BLYXA JAPONICA, RICCIA, Hemianthus callitrichoides and Echinodorus tenellus

100% confident on these to feature, NO STEMS!
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

samc said:
i think it looks so right for some reason. i should be getting that 60cm i wanted, went custom in the end, 24x18x15 for £50. hoping to do something like youve done here so looking foward to it even more.

what a nice thing to say, thanks samc 😀

at least you and james know where i'm coming from 😉
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

That hardscape is amazing. I've never seen such perfect hardscape positioning, seriously and I don't even like iwagumis. The sense of scale is awesome aswell. This is definately gonna be an immense scape, Mark.
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

Tom said:
Looks nice, but maybe a bit flat? Probably just the picture but I can't see any scale. I'm sure when it's planted up it will be clearer! 😀

the image is poor tom. do you mean depth rather than scale?....it's a 120cm so that gives you a senses of scale....them stones are big! the lanting i have in mind should change everything. 😀

Thomas McMillan said:
That hardscape is amazing. I've never seen such perfect hardscape positioning, seriously and I don't even like iwagumis. The sense of scale is awesome aswell. This is definately gonna be an immense scape, Mark.

thanks Thomas. It's actually one of my faves too 😀 it's nothing like using seryiou stone, the whole thing "feels"different. a lot more "earthy"

once ive got added substrate i'll post better images
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

i've decided on plants!

eleocharis acicularis for the rear (center)
e tenellus for in between main stone/sub stone left and right sub stone.

I'm not having blyxa, i just don't think it will fit with the shady feel.

riccia stones a plenty!riccia form hellofalump (thanks)

and HC in the foreground but not in an even way.I'll create shapes with the riccia stones.

i'm going to have a black background too. mean and moody 8)
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

Copy cat!

Just kiddin' mate.

Rocks look great. From the photo they all seem on the same axis, like Tom suggests, but I'm sure they're not.

Plants sound good.
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

George Farmer said:
like Tom suggests, but I'm sure they're not.

there slightly off. in a curved formation. i've got some more substrate to add, so everything is to come out and back in again. 😀
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi


I start mine today... I was looking through old Aqua Journals last night. I would look through my NAW Book 2 and 3 but someone has stolen them!! lol

Are you doing an open sand foreground?
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

George Farmer said:
I would look through my NAW Book 2 and 3 but someone has stolen them!! lol

ahh...that'll be me mate 8)

George Farmer said:
Are you doing an open sand foreground?

no, just plants on this one. i'll attempt that at a later date.

so you doing yours in a 60 right?....will we get to see any progress reports? 😉