Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape
rawr said:
This might be a silly question but something I just thought about. If you're going to be using it on a timer and daily basis, would this have any affect on the possibility of algae to the back of the tank?
good question mate. i did mention this in another thread. what needs to happen next is....
fill the tank with substarte. then when i know the line of the substrate, i'll tape that bit out so there's no chance of BGA starting in the substrate.
The back lighting will only be on in the evening or when people are around.
George Farmer said:
Groundbreaking. Love it mate.
thanks George! Try the TV view and i reckon you'll see what i mean.
Garuf said:
don't get what you mean by the right angle and different scaping? Am I missing something?
course you are

kiddin mate.
what I'm doing is scaping but looking at the TV! meaning i don't have to stand back every 2 minutes. also our eye's dont work like a camera does. we see light and dark better than a camera, not under exposing the scene. as i look at the scape in the flesh,i don't see the darker shaded bit's. they look....well, not like deep shadows to the naked eye, but on the TV with camera settings set for a correct exposure, these shadows go dark, thus giving me the actual look that you guys end up seeing on your screens ....The TV view is what I'm after. hard to explain.
i've only discovered this today, and of course I'll learn the normal way, but this means i don't have to keep moving backwards and forwards.
In the past (i've said this to a few) i have to take photos to see my mistakes then adjust hardscape. also i tend to shut my left eye when scaping! I think that's habit though