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Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

Thanks for sharing, that really is a dead simple way to do it. This might be a silly question but something I just thought about. If you're going to be using it on a timer and daily basis, would this have any affect on the possibility of algae to the back of the tank?
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

Nice, one thing though, I don't get what you mean by the right angle and different scaping? Am I missing something?
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

rawr said:
This might be a silly question but something I just thought about. If you're going to be using it on a timer and daily basis, would this have any affect on the possibility of algae to the back of the tank?

good question mate. i did mention this in another thread. what needs to happen next is....

fill the tank with substarte. then when i know the line of the substrate, i'll tape that bit out so there's no chance of BGA starting in the substrate.

The back lighting will only be on in the evening or when people are around.

George Farmer said:
Groundbreaking. Love it mate.

thanks George! Try the TV view and i reckon you'll see what i mean.

Garuf said:
don't get what you mean by the right angle and different scaping? Am I missing something?

course you are :lol: kiddin mate.

what I'm doing is scaping but looking at the TV! meaning i don't have to stand back every 2 minutes. also our eye's dont work like a camera does. we see light and dark better than a camera, not under exposing the scene. as i look at the scape in the flesh,i don't see the darker shaded bit's. they look....well, not like deep shadows to the naked eye, but on the TV with camera settings set for a correct exposure, these shadows go dark, thus giving me the actual look that you guys end up seeing on your screens ....The TV view is what I'm after. hard to explain.

i've only discovered this today, and of course I'll learn the normal way, but this means i don't have to keep moving backwards and forwards. 😀

In the past (i've said this to a few) i have to take photos to see my mistakes then adjust hardscape. also i tend to shut my left eye when scaping! I think that's habit though
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

Wow, I never realised you were scaping using the TV! That's amazing, this is gonna be a cracker of a scape with all of these new techniques you're putting into practice.
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

great idea with the live view as already said. :thumbup: Looks like ill be ordering a new hdmi cable off fleabay! The backlight really sets it off as well. I see what you were saying about the tv. You're scaping for a photo result without having to take any photos during scaping! genius mark
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

stuworrall said:
You're scaping for a photo result without having to take any photos during scaping!

that's it stu. nicely put mate! :thumbup:

stuworrall said:
Looks like ill be ordering a new hdmi cable off fleabay!

dont make the mistake i made. i bought a HDMI to HDMI. you want HDMI to MINI HDMI

rawr said:
Wow, I never realised you were scaping using the TV! That's amazing, this is gonna be a cracker of a scape with all of these new techniques you're putting into practice.

still early days yet Thomas, will be reporting back soon.
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

See, now I want wood and rocks again! Superbly simple layout, very nice!
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

aaronnorth said:
Pro Idea with the TV, :thumbup:

cheers bud.

nry said:
See, now I want wood and rocks again! Superbly simple layout, very nice!

:lol: i'm beginning to like it to.

George Farmer said:
edit - How long is your lead, Mark? I'm not sure if the 50D will do Live View through the HDMI either? Any ideas?

George, i've got a 3m cable. rather pricey too. I've later discovered you can get them way cheaper on the tinternet.

If you cant go HDMI, then use AV out, which I think you may have? the 3 way lead, red, yellow and white. picture is of lower quality but still good. i've just checked this way and it works.

I think, many cameras have AV out so this could be a avenue for many to at least try. :thumbup:

Once i've received my copy of edius 5 (tomorrow) I'll try and do a few HD vids of the back lighting....kinda homer stylee...light goes on, light goes off.....light goes on, light goes off... 😛
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

Fantastic idea Saintly. Perhaps one day with some more experience I will have a go at it. I am assuming that this whole idea is leaning towards competitions?

After watching avatar I have been wanting to see competition photos in 3D. That would be tops! :clap:
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

FishBeast said:
I am assuming that this whole idea is leaning towards competitions?

not really mate,like stu says, it helps due to the fact you dont have to keep taking photos and then going back to the drawing board. 😀

I've got 6 pots of microsorum narrow now


hopefully next week, the substrate and wood. then to plants 8)
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

I almost choked when I read this...

saintly said:
I do though, tend to be lazy with the way in which I set my tanks up. hose everywhere, nothing put away, cloths pegs to hold backgrounds etc.....

Gosh, my work looks worse than yours even when I'm attempting to be clean and tidy :lol:

Brilliant idea with using the HDTV to scape with. I too end up doing everything up and filling it up and the realising... darned, I've goofed up here and there! Maybe you should shoot some HD Video with it and post it on your blog as an instructional video :thumbup:
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

flygja said:
I almost choked when I read this...

:lol: its true mate!

when I was in my band playing days, my other nick name, apart from 'saintly' was....'leads' :angel:

when I set up my amps and stuff, I had cables every where! I played Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland, and in sound check, the sound guy did say he would have no part in helping me setup! ....'this man is too untidy!' he muttered.

flygja said:
Maybe you should shoot some HD Video with it and post it on your blog as an instructional video :thumbup:

tis a great idea. There's many vids i'd like to do actually. I've just discovered the best codec to work with in vimeo to, to give me better looking vids :thumbup:
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

Mark, are you feeling unwell? No update for 5 days :lol:
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

Jase said:
Mark, are you feeling unwell? No update for 5 days :lol:

I've been waiting for 4 pieces of wood. they've finally arrived 8)


now for some scaping :angel:
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

YeeeHaaawwww!!! finally. Been waiting patiently. :thumbup: :thumbup:
Im seeing "Savannah Dreaming" big scale :clap: :clap:
Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape

so, on we go!

savannah dreaming could be in the making here, a scape i never ended up planting, but it could come to life.

here's the base of the scape. mound style to some degree.
