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Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

oldwhitewood said:
eautiful tank mate really impressed. :thumbup:

cheers mate. Its good to see you back. I've always liked your set ups, so it'll be great to see a few more.

I've received my new osram tubes today. There much better than the older ones too. The colour rendition is just amazing! I've never actually seen ADA NAG green lamps (only in mags and online) but these things come a very real, close second in images

Their amazing! :shock:
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

saintly said:
oldwhitewood said:
eautiful tank mate really impressed. :thumbup:

cheers mate. Its good to see you back. I've always liked your set ups, so it'll be great to see a few more.

Thanks man, I've been away for a long time but I'm getting back upto speed with things slowly. Your tank is blowing my mind at the moment I love the videos on vimeo as well wonderful stuff. :thumbup:
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

Man you're making me jealous. Superb growth, superb maintenance, superb photography. Especially that HC carpet.
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

Hi Saintly.
I ordered Boyu inline diffuser.
do you have installed at the inflow or outflow canister filter?
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

oldwhitewood said:
Thanks man, I've been away for a long time but I'm getting back upto speed with things slowly.

well, IMVHO your NA style scapes were the best i've seen in the UK. so bring em on mate :thumbup:

oldwhitewood said:
I love the videos on vimeo as well wonderful stuff. :thumbup:

cheers mate. I'm doing some at the moment of this set up. but I'm keeping a lid on it for a bit 😉

flygja said:
Man you're making me jealous. Superb growth, superb maintenance, superb photography. Especially that HC carpet.

Thanks flygja. no need to be jealous though my friend. I've always considered myself a s lucky scaper.

smik said:
Hi Saintly.
I ordered Boyu inline diffuser.
do you have installed at the inflow or outflow canister filter?

i've put mine on the outflow of the filter :thumbup:

i was asked about ferts in a pm, so i thought i'd share with everyone what I'm using. It's EI, but bottled. I've been given some and i've been trying out for sometime now to test it's effectiveness, and simply put....it's brilliant! A good mix of everything. no scientific proof, but the plants are my proof


I thought I could capture the '3D' effect from the tank with back lighting, but it's hard. it needs to be seen to be believed. The water clarity is the best i've had in a tank and really looks like there's no water.


I think in a day or so...really now, I should be trimming HC. The teres is sending runners everywhere and i feel it was a mistake putting it in.

Thnaks everyone 😀
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 22 days

saintly said:
peti44 said:
How can you do that? :lol:

My scaping is 'painting by numbers' peti.

I look, look and then some more looking at Amano tanks. For me, copying is the greatest way of learning. I look at Aquajournals and other sources of the great man's work and just see where he's placed plants etc.

At times, when I see some of his tanks, it does make me think of giving up!

I see. Thanks for the information.

saintly said:
peti44 said:
Will you go to any competitions with it?

If things go to plan, yes. The last year or so has seen me doing so many tanks away from home and not being able to look after them properly. I want this to get my full attention :angel:

Good luck, then :thumbup:

saintly said:
Hmmm. GA Micro, Macro? 🙂 Good choice. :thumbup:
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

The ferts look like they're doing the job right. The tanks coming on a dream, is that Tennelus hiding under the bolbitits?
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

this makes me really want to try another nature style layout but i have got to stick to my latest idea. i am trying larger stones than normal 8)

i know what you mean about the back lighting too. i was amazed with mine. i have a a tube with a purple colouration which is a nice effect

did them bottles take long to balance? :lol:
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

Garuf said:
he ferts look like they're doing the job right. The tanks coming on a dream, is that Tennelus hiding under the bolbitits?

it's liliaeopsis mate. Tenellus would of been even more of a nightmare.

samc said:
did them bottles take long to balance? :lol:

you spotted the balancing act! :lol: Britain's got talent...here I come!
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

saintly said:
Garuf said:
he ferts look like they're doing the job right. The tanks coming on a dream, is that Tennelus hiding under the bolbitits?

it's liliaeopsis mate. Tenellus would of been even more of a nightmare.

samc said:
did them bottles take long to balance? :lol:

you spotted the balancing act! :lol: Britain's got talent...here I come!

what actualy in the bottles? Do you mix them?
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

chilled84 said:
what actualy in the bottles? Do you mix them?

A bit of this and a bit of that. Basically chilled, it's EI but mixed rather well, and put in a bottle. You dose the same, macro one day, micro the other. i just wanted to see their effectiveness, and possibly take the pain out of dosing EI for some people. (clive shakes head 😀 )
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

saintly said:
chilled84 said:
what actualy in the bottles? Do you mix them?

A bit of this and a bit of that. Basically chilled, it's EI but mixed rather well, and put in a bottle. You dose the same, macro one day, micro the other. i just wanted to see their effectiveness, and possibly take the pain out of dosing EI for some people. (clive shakes head 😀 )

so how do u measure how much your placeing in your aquarium, How many squirts??
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

saintly said:
peti44 said:
Hmmm. GA Micro, Macro? 🙂 Good choice. :thumbup:

All the way from your part of the world 😀
Thought I recognised those bottles too hehe glad to ear the formula is paying dividends 🙂
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

I've spotted on one piece of wood, where the water line is, a plant which is attached to the wood and is spreading. It looks like riccia, but I thought riccia doesn't attach itself? I'm also unsure where it's come from. A pelia or something?

also on the same branch and a couple of others, there's a variety of moss which is growing! maybe it was their as spores when it came over from the states?
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

I have had riccia attached to plansoil, when it stay for a longer period under water, it turns dark green and is shooting small roots like moss. As I pulled them out, there was plenty of soils attached to it. :jawdrop

Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' @ 5 weeks

thanks guys for the info. I'll try and get some images.

i thought i'd share a comparison shot.

Day 1


Day ? week 5


anyone notice the error i've made regards to planting and positioning? 😵