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Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

Jase said:
I don't believe you, need pics 😉 :lol:

honest, I did buy some 😀

TBH, to get the camera out, set everything up, edit, down size, upload to PB, submit to forum is quite time consuming.

i'm holding back on images for a while, for more of an impact. you don't really want to see day by day accounts 8)
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

These are not the droids your looking for, I mean these are not the photos you're looking for, huh mark?

I'm sure it's doing really well, have you found the bolbitis is responding better with the inlets shifted position? I've found that all of my ferns have responded much better with flow under the leaf rather than over.
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

Garuf said:
have you found the bolbitis is responding better with the inlets shifted position?

The bolbitis is on fire mate. as well as the immersed form i put in, the above water state version from the farm, is also transforming. new leaves etc. Its a gorgeous little plant.

Flow wise, i've got a ton of it so it maybe helping. there's a korolia no. 2 and 3 plus the filter.

Garuf said:
These are not the droids your looking for, I mean these are not the photos you're looking for, huh mark?

i'm not with you mate... 😀
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

Star wars joke, it's from when ben kenobi has r2d2 and luke in the landspeeder and he tricks the stromtroopers... Never mind.

Yeah, It really is a great plant, it's strange that I've had it do amazing and then struggle, I'd be inclined to say it's something in the water but I dunno, I know it doesn't like high levels of kno3, I dosed my ei mix onto some of the leaves then watched as over 3 days the same leaves were all totally black.
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

Garuf said:
Star wars joke, it's from when ben kenobi has r2d2 and luke in the landspeeder and he tricks the stromtroopers... Never mind.

😀 my humours bottled up at the moment, and put in a cupboard somewhere.
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

I would accept "I'm not really a star wars fan" but then serious questions would have to be asked and the police notified that you're in the area at large.

Oh btw, I've got a scaping challenge for you, do you reckon you could make a scape from curly willow? I've got a tonne of the stuff and it strikes me as perfect for nanos.
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

Garuf said:
Oh btw, I've got a scaping challenge for you, do you reckon you could make a scape from curly willow?

what's that then mate?....challenge is my middle name!....or is it that my life is just one big challenge? :shifty:
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

Basically this stuff, but without the tat hanging from it.

I wouldn't sat it's that bad! You're exceptional at your hobby, thats plenty.
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

Thats wonderful stuff! They use manzi wood in the same manner....jewellery trees etc, and sell it for £200! :shock:

so that would mean, i've got pieces worth 300 and sell it for £15!
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

Yeah I know, I had some years back that I was given by a florist because it was the last bit, they were asking £30 for it back then, it's mental.

Yeah I really like it too, I imagine it amongst a moss and hairgrass carpet. Nice stuff, readily found too.
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

This has to be your best hardscaping yet by far. I can see this evolving into something to really be proud of. 🙂
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

Looking very nice mark,is that the columbo florabase soil ? it looks a very nice grain size,
nice setup as usual and great pics.
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

john starkey said:
is that the columbo florabase soil ? it looks a very nice grain size,

it is john. The grain size is the same as oli knott fine. Thanks mate.

rawr said:
This has to be your best hardscaping yet by far. I can see this evolving into something to really be proud of. 🙂

Thanks Thomas. I'm happy with it for sure. over coming diatoms at the mo, hence the ottos...which have gone to town on the stuff. 50% W/C everyday, is helping too.

so a little over a week, and all is good.

i've cut back the old liliaeopsis leaves after seeing new growth. Old crypts melted, even with exceptional co2 and distribution. These are recovering now. The vallis nana, is only just showing signs of new growth.

HC, is getting adventurous too.I'm not ready for trimming this just yet.

Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

saintly said:
HC, is getting adventurous too.I'm not ready for trimming this just yet.
hi mark,
when do you give your HC its first trim.any tell tale signs you look for.
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

nelson said:
when do you give your HC its first trim.any tell tale signs you look for.

for me nelson, the horizontal growth is what we want. The stuff that roots. when it's rooted, then trim it. but i reckon, if it's growing bushy an not yet established, I'd leave it.

once it has settled in properly, you can do just about anything to it. same with HM, umbrosum. the small leaved stems varieties. There actually really tough plants to get settled in.
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

nelson said:
thanks mark.

no worries mate :thumbup:

viktorlantos said:
wow this looks awesome Mark! can not wait to see this a few weeks later. :thumbup: :clap:
The wood look really special. i love it. as i see this also getting different color bit darker than it was. one of my fav tank now.

Thanks viktor. Yes the wood does go slightly darker. was the same in my nano. I'm glad I didn't cover it in moss now, so it should stand out against the stems in a couple of months time.

After just 24 hours of adding ottos and shrimp, the whole tank is 90% spotless this morning. They've done such an amazing job, over night.

this was yesterday morning. The rocks were suffering a little.


and this morning( I didn't clean them, because I'm too lazy)



the back and side glass, is also clean. long live ottos I say.

I can now concentrate on getting the best from the plants, instead of worrying about algae.
Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming'

George Farmer said:
Gotta love otos!

they rule mate. for diatoms at least.

George Farmer said:
What's the lighting set-up?

George, currently just 2 x 54wt5s osram 8800. I may follow you a little on a 'midday' burst of all 4 to really hammer the HC.

currently on 7 hours daily.