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Rummy Nose Tetra


17 Aug 2020
Hi. I have a small number of RN tetras in my aquarium. I introduced some new fish today and all seems calm and all happy. The only noticeable change is the noses of the RNT have visibly gone very very red - vibrant - which I haven’t seen before. I’m assuming this is just a reaction to the new fish and they feel threatened in some way? I just think they’re over-reacting 😂. The fish introduced were 1 bristlenose and 3 Siamese algae eaters. I’ve not noticed this happen with new fish before. I’m not complaining. They look stunning.
Hello - do you have a picture you can provide?
I’m assuming this is just a reaction to the new fish and they feel threatened in some way?
... or they are just happy to have new friends.... 😉 I am very happy with my Rummy-nose tetras - I've had a school for several years. They never seem to bother about other fish in the tank - but of course the newly introduced bottom dwellers might have spooked them a bit if you didn't have any before, but they will get used to them - no need to worry as long as the fish look and behave in a healthy manner.

I haven't kept any rummy nosed tetras yet. Usually a loss of colour in fish is stress related or poor health, so I can only hope/assume that further colouration is a positive thing? I wonder if they're excited or if the new fish are acting as dithers maybe?
Perhaps that’s it. They have settled down now. You should get some. Beautiful fish.

Glad to hear it! I am always in awe of them as my LFS often has them in what appears to be around a 120cm tank and they're schooling behaviour and the way the flow through the water is awesome.