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Ruby Tetra (Axelrodia riesei)


7 Apr 2008
nr Bath
Hi all,
This one is especially for Rosie @shangman , because, apparently, I never show pictures of any of the fish. Also I can't type so the title should be "Axelrodia riesei"

This is mainly because I rarely see any of the fish, but I've recently I've acquired these Ruby Tetra, and they behave like little Piranha, meaning that some food entices them out.

I missed the one converting a fairly large tank janitor into fish protein, but here they are.


Cheers Darrel
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A picture of your tank is a rarity!
What is the plant budding in front of the first picture? A crypt, perhaps?
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Hi all,
beautiful fish
Mine aren't anything like as colorful as yours, but they have coloured (and fattened) up since I've had them.

According to all the literature they are quiet, shy fish <"Axelrodia riesei – Ruby Tetra — Seriously Fish">, but nobody has told mine and they have <"decimated the Crangonyx population"> and eaten everything they can fit it their mouths, even if it involves a lot of dismembering into smaller bits. They are also really active, so require a much larger tank than you might imagine from their size.

All the blackwater fish I've ever owned have been the same, they may require special water conditions, but <"they aren't difficult to feed">.

cheers Darrel
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eaten everything they can fit it their mouths, even if it involves a lot of dismembering into smaller bits.
I’ve found mine to be the same. They’re a lot more aggressive when it comes to feeding than my tucanos.

Yours appear to be quite small/young. They’ll really start to glow once settled in.
Hi all,
I’d be interested to see what these look like in a couple of months. They may be stigmatas rather than riesei, what do you think @dw1305 ?
No idea, to be honest, the two species look pretty similar and I've never kept them before.

I'll try and get a better picture and post it on Apistogramma forums - <"Pencil Fish ID">.

Cheers Darrel
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A picture of your tank is a rarity!
No s*it, Sherlock! :lol:
..... and that one probably explains why.
Ok, I get it... you just got a camera phone :lol:

Anyway, Darrel I've seen enough pictures of your Cat(s) to merit your sterling reputation around here 🙂

Nice Ruby's ... they are indeed ferocious eaters... mine are getting medically obese - not sure how to deal with that without starving my huge Cardinals and Black Neons I keep in that tank.

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Hi all,
Ok, I get it... you just got a camera phone
That is a lot nearer to the truth than you might imagine and I've never owned a camera of any description.
Nice Ruby's ... they are indeed ferocious eaters... mine are getting medically obese
It is often an issue with blackwater fish, <"they eat themselves"> to death if they are happy with the water conditions and just waste away if they aren't.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,
It is often an issue with blackwater fish, <"they eat themselves"> to death if they are happy with the water conditions and just waste away if they aren't.
Nice Ruby's ... they are indeed ferocious eaters... mine are getting medically obese
I'll update this thread. I was hoping to add a photo, but that may have to wait.

I've still got them, they still eat everything, but they've become incredibly reclusive and no longer shoal at all, in fact they've all splintered to their own little areas of the tank, and they relentlessly chase one another if they aren't separated by line of sight. Fortunately it is a very weedy tank, but I'm going to guess that has been some peoples issue with them dying over time is "harassed to death".

From the very limited recent glimpses I've had of them, I'd say they are a lot redder in colour and are definitely <"Axelrodia riesei">.

The only prolonged views I've had recently have been of fish that were distracted with dismembering fairly large Asellus, so I'd put them down as another small fish that is definitely <"not shrimp safe">.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

I'll update this thread. I was hoping to add a photo, but that may have to wait.

I've still got them, they still eat everything, but they've become incredibly reclusive and no longer shoal at all, in fact they've all splintered to their own little areas of the tank, and they relentlessly chase one another if they aren't separated by line of sight. Fortunately it is a very weedy tank, but I'm going to guess that has been some peoples issue with them dying over time is "harassed to death".

Darrel, thats Interesting. I've had mine for quite a while as well... they definitely shoal - quite loosely though - I have around 10 or 11. They are still very much active in front of the tank opposed to my large (and old) Black Neon tetras and Cardinals that tend to hang out in the back of the tank except during feeding. This particular tank is very densely planted and also inhabits numerous prolifically breeding dwarf shrimps (cherry, bee, tiger and tangerine shrimps).

From the very limited recent glimpses I've had of them, I'd say they are a lot redder in colour and are definitely <"Axelrodia riesei">.

The only prolonged views I've had recently have been of fish that were distracted with dismembering fairly large Asellus, so I'd put them down as another small fish that is definitely <"not shrimp safe">.

I believe most tetras can be considered micro predators and will go after anything they consider edible. However, Ruby's growing only to about 2 cm. would only be able to take on very small shrimplets. Especially my bee shrimplets with their bright red-white (or black/brownish-white) coloration that they develop at a very early stage makes them stand out and supposedly vulnerable, but I have yet to see any of my tetras go after them. In general, in a reasonably planted tank with lots of hiding places, I wouldn't be worried keeping dwarf shrimps with most nano fish (small dwarf cichlids would be an exception).

My experience with my Rubies is that they are very timid - they only tend to appear at feeding times, and rarely come out otherwise, and they are always skittish - despite the other fish swimming everywhere most of the time. Rather than them being greedy, I worry more that they’ll be able to get enough food.

I also have loads of shrimp, and whilst I’m sure they would take shrimplets, I can’t imagine them tackling an adult.

Perhaps your not feeding them enough if they’re desperate enough to tackle on of your giant Asellus @dw1305?
Hi all,
Perhaps your not feeding them enough if they’re desperate enough to tackle on of your giant Asellus @dw1305?
In the glimpses I get of them they look quite plump. When they went in the tank there were a lot of "tank janitors", so whether they just associate crustaceans with food I don't know.

I've seen some big Asellus, so there definitely is a limit in size to what they will take on.

Cheers Darrel
Mine all have they’re own little territory in the mass of Java moss in their tank, I always see a few but they’re happy to tuck themselves away and defend they’re little spot. The tucanos that share their tank are always out in the open. In the wild the ruby’s supposedly form large shoals with cardinal tetras.

I’ve found most tetras to be pretty territorial when they want to be, especially the males. I have some red fin penguin tetras that knock the scales off each other when they have a scrap.
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