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Round indoor pond project queries.

Are you sure your Sunday lunch wasn't laced with MDMA ?
Nope, Tim.On Sundays I am a saint. I barely get time to snooze all day long 🙂

Good to hear from you Scifi, where have you been ?...
My mind has been wondering elsewhere but I always get back to where I belong.😎

Glad to hear from you too, Tim. My sincere wishes of health and happiness to you and everyone you care about. I hope life treats you very well.
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Hey Everyone,

No pictures today... I just wanted to report all is well. I and my fish crew are doing ok during these difficult times.
The news is that I might be finally moving on to new premises and the future fish room is going to be smaller!! 😳
It will be enough for the pond but I have to get creative at how to consolidate the 3 cold fish water tanks into one and somehow pile up one small tropical on the side. There is a chance I might have to let go off my hillstream loaches and the dojo loach.

Family calls....Planning is the key...

I am absolutely dreading the move and my fish will hate it....I have forgotten how to catch fish.....
I hope I'll have enough room to keep the cold water fish, if not, I will be happy enough just with the clown loach pond....I suppose...

Below are a couple of really bad attempts at taking a video. Plants have overgrown so much that there isn't enough light. Fish probably like it...

Hey Everyone.

We had a power outage the day before yesterday. It was supposed to be out for the day but in the end it was down for only 3 hours.
Fish made it fine I think. I was only really worried about the temperature of the pond but even after those 3 hours it hadn't bulged at all. This pond is like a heater itself, retains its temperature really well.

Here is a video I took literally minutes after the electricity came back with the lights off. I had fed the clowns snails the night before, for the first time ever by the way, as I feel sorry for the snails, and at some point in the video one loach is seen munching on a large shell....I don't think I have baby loaches anymore 🙂 I can see my spotted baby loach, who was featured in this thread at some point, who I bought really sick as a baby, looking nice and healthy and grown up.

I am wondering, as I am doing a bit of planning in my head, if it is a bad idea to put my weather loach with the hillstream loaches in one tank?...Is dhe going to outcompete them all for food....? She's a curious active weather loach, bites my fingers if I let her.
I am thinking to put all cold water fish into one 120cm long tank. At the moment it's 3 different tubs, taking more space. Like I had said, some time in the future we'll be moving and I might as well get all that done then as I'll disturb the fish anyway.
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It's been a while. Somehow working from home leaves me little time for forums.....and even looking at my fish......
I have just been doing the needful and I wasn't paying much attention in terms of growth, etc..

Yesterday I spent some time observing and kid you not, I could not recognize the fish. I saw some really big clown loaches....They have grown. I mean, gown enough to be chunky clown loaches and the difference being notable in my own eyes. They're not huge but let's say I remember some being 4-5 inch fish, which are now 6-7 inch and I can no longer see small loaches.

Everyone else is fine too. I didn't want to disturb them so I snapped a pic of the weather loach tub only, overgrown with the bit of sunshine we got lately. She, the weather loach appears to be doing just fine on her own in there, underneath that growth.

Weather Loach June 2021.jpg
I got a bit of a video of the underwater life in the pond. Unfortunately the clowns all appear smaller sitting at 80 cm distance from my camera, right at the bottom... plus chilling under the driftwood. However, it's all a very happy family in there I think. Fortunately the clowns don't consider the harlequins as food but I'd say the depth of the tank also helps as I literally have fish on 3 levels in there, clowns and some corys at the bottom, then SAEs and Denisons next and top surface harlequins My bushinose plec is also in there doing just fine but he's very reclusive. I don't even know where his hiding spot is but I suspect he uses the areas behind the plant pots.

It's nice to see chunky but healthy weight clowns rather than sickly or pot bellied ones. They are certainly living their best lives.
Today I got a bit of a shocking surprise.....
I went into the fish room to start water changes and in one of my hillstream tubs and I see that really weird Peace Lily flower, or so I thought because I have a hanging Peace Lily there that has been flowering all summer. I thought it got a bit too much sunshine because it had burst open 😵😵 However, on second look I noticed the stalk is coming from under the water. So guys, after many, many years of having the Crinum Calamistratum and bringing to death's door on many occasions, it actually flowered 🙂 🙂

Crinum 1.jpgCrinum 2.jpgCrinum 3.jpg
Hello, I hope everyone is well.

I was thinking today it's 5 years about since I got the denison barbs as babies and they have grown and have been doing well so far. They're beautiful fish to have.

So here they are with the rest of the crew, the video taken this evening.

The heating is expensive enough, especially lately but to me the fish are worth the expense. Right now I only have one LED light and the plants are doing quite well with just natural light and some reflecting light from the other mini ponds. It's been great seeing the fish grow and thrive in this pond.
I actually had 2 clown loaches jump out to their death but that was in the span of the last 10 years. Both cases were when they were recently enough put in a tank. The first one was shortly after I moved the clowns to the pond, providing they had spend their time in another open top glass tank with no jumping but I think they needed time to settle in the new surrounding and that particular loach was super friendly and hyper active. Very sad. I had had him for a good few years. The second time was a newly purchased, again very hyper active baby clown loach, the reason I had picked him in the shop, he jumped out of his quarantine tank, also open top. I was devastated.

Apart from that, zilch jumping of fish in open top tanks. I have 2 open top tanks with hillstream loaches and a tub with a weather loach, open top, another with kuhli loaches, also open top, etc...No one ever jumps out. So in my opinion, they only jump out when stressed, either water conditions, stress from being moved, tank mates, etc....I'd be worried if I start getting jumping fish on a regular basis.
in my opinion, they only jump out when stressed, either water conditions, stress from being moved, tank mates, etc....I'd be worried if I start getting jumping fish on a regular basis.
Totally agree. Comes down to judgement, preference etc. I have my lid on because I want to limit evaporation, have my light fixture resting on top of the tank, and to a much lesser extent, although it factors in, out of fear of loosing fish jumping or shrimps crawling out - as for my shrimps, mine would have plenty of opportunities to pack up their suitcases and crawl out if they wanted too as 3 inches at the back is wide open for my HOB filters with cords etc. providing easy access to the world outside.
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If your fish are jumping out of the tank then re assess your fish keeping skills, when I approach my tank (day or night) its akin to a scene from heaven almighty.. 🙃
One of my old internal filters, a Fluval, finally gave up yesterday after 11 years. It just would not turn back on. I was using it on one of the tubs that only holds kuhli loaches at the moment. Unfortunately in the process I also flushed a kuhli loach down the drain by accident. It was in the internal filter😡 Devastated.

The filter got replaced though. I had a small Eheim external which I never got around setting up. I have to buy a couple of spare heaters also, just to have as I was thinking I don't have any spare ones..

I am uploading a video I took today from the pond, will post later, not that anything has changed since last time... 🙂 I was once asked why exactly do I find fish interesting....Tough question, you can't tell weather I took the video today or a year ago for example. Things only change when tanks get re-arranged or one buys new fish. I don't do either very often.....