Well, guys, the "stupid thing" in question is a very sick looking discus...
He's stunted, big eyes, deformed body, pinched above the eyes, triangle sort of body. He's got clamped fins, displaying the stress bars and is dark, really bad condition. I don't think I've ever seen a discus looking that bad and if anyone had one of those, they certainly did not take pictures.
Yesterday I dosed with a dewormer. That prompted the Malaysian Trumpets to climb above water line. I scooped them up and put them in another small shrimp tank I have. The betta has been literally throwing tantrums and seems afraid of the discus although the discus isn't much bigger than the betta.
I also tinted the water dark with some rooibos tea to hopefully make him feel more secure. I have a bag of oak leaves stashed somewhere for rainy days and now I can't find them.
Surprisingly the discus today managed to eat 2 bloodworms although he spit out majority. He's still looking the same as in the shop but for some reason is not acting like he looks. He's swimming around, spooking the betta and shows a great interest in me, coming over like a puppy. I don't know if the fish would make it and what I am going to do with it but my logic is that it was on a death row anyway if it stayed in the shop.
I did a couple of water changes today to remove the uneaten bloodworms and I had to redose the dewormer. I am not sure how much is in the water now but as far as I know its ok to overdose.
I know the fish is not in the typical bare bottom empty tank but that plan fell through with the filter giving up. I've ordered a filter but it won't be here anytime soon so the two fish would have to get on somehow.
Here is a blurry video to give the idea how bad that fish is. Yeah, I know he's shocking looking.
And the betta, who has been looking good lately, the fins growing longer.