I am looking forward to your suggestion🙂 You're always full of useful ideas 😀
Thank you..
😉 I hope so!?
Anyway.. I see the tub has a rim around it as a sort of a upsidedown U profile.. Than if you take aluminium tube 8mm thick, which is 6mm internal.
Than take an aluminium M4 Blind rivet nut, this is 6mm external and fits snuggly into the 8mm alu tube.
Some tech details. if you use a mini pipe cutter to cut the pipe. Than the pipe will have an internal burr edge from the cutter. Than if you use a rivet gun, to insert the blind nut, this edge helps to keep the rivet firmly in place in the tube.
But less technical and equaly effective without the gun. Glue the rivet nut into the tube with a strong glue (Bison)..
Than you will have a piece of 8mm alu tube with M4 thread inside. Drill a 4mm hole in the tubs rim.. Its a tiny hole it wont damage the structural strength of the tub. Screw the alu tube verticaly to the top rim of the tub with a M4 screw from bellow. You can make the tube 10 cm, 20cm or 30cm long. What ever your preference is.
Figur out the correct distance for the 2nd vertical tube and the next in the diameter from the tub to fence it off verticaly with a strip of net. All around the tub.. You could use Tie Raps to fasten the net to the tube.
Seeing the picture, i guess you need about a 6 vertical tubes in equal distance standing verticaly on the rim, to fence it..
I hope you got the idea what i mean.. It's easy peasy actualy.. Every hardware store hasthe 8x6mm alu tube and the mini pipe cutter, M4 blind river nut are available via ebay for a dollar.
This way you create a verticale fence around it in prefered height. If they jump close to the edge, they will bounce back from the net, not even suffering a headage..
You just need to figur out the height you are comfortable with..
I used the blind rivet nuts to create this.. But the idea is the same..
Get Metric thread into tube..