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How can you tell they are gravid and not fat?
The gravid loach is wide sideways when viewed from above, similar to corydoras females when they get full of eggs. For all the years I've had her, she's only been like that since around perhaps September 2017 last year. All the rest of the loaches are narrow like "lines" when viewed form above. The bottom of their belly is also flat like a line and not rounded when sitting flat on the sand, unlike the gravid female...I haven't changed the diet almost since I bought the first clown loaches....I estimate the gravid loach to be around 10 years of age the minimum. She's 5 years in my tanks. I bought her at around 5-6 inch size so she was definitely 5-6 years old when I bought her, plus 5 in my tank, possibly 10-11 years old now, and the only one that got visibly gravid so far...Perhaps I should change the diet, ha, ha..
I thought it might be a hierarchal thing with the dominant getting most of the food but began feeding at different ends, when the biggest ones were resting from sparring and it seemed to make no difference.
I have no problem feeding smaller loaches extra food either and I actually do make sure they get some more later in the day when the big ones are sleeping in the caves. I don't think the size difference is due to food availability at all. Its got to be hormones of some sort, or genetics, or sex differences, etc..I am not sure what, but my smaller loaches eat as much as any other loach....
My biggest topped out at 11" TL one it died (meant I could accurately measure it) and the smallest is around 6" still.
Similar story here. Sizes vary a lot despite some being the same age. From my first group of 5, which I had for about 6 years, there's one way bigger than all the rest, then a couple around same size, then another couple of same size but smaller than the previous two, then the smallest one which, as you say, I suspect will be surpassed by some of my younger loaches soon enough...
They also hang around the tank by sizes.
My largest two loaches, which are very visibly larger than the rest, are almost always out together. They hang around the tank together, sitting next to each other, following each other etc...
Then I also have a bunch of 4 young loaches, oldest just over a year old. Those 4 are together all the time. When I had just one baby loach in the tank, he was out with the denison barbs and SAEs instead and in fact, for some time he used to run the opposite direction of the biggest/older loaches when they came out..He used to freak out thinking he was gonna be someones dinner...

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