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Rotten rainwater

You may be able to collect some <"from a local pond">
Will check if our five year old garden pond might reval some blackworm. If the White Mountain Minnows, salamanders and goldfish have not already devouvered them...
I actually threw some Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) in there just last week and have an second rainwater container.

Sounds like a closed case!... the optimistic dare devil in me cheered.
in a low voice my more cautious perfectionist responded: But what about the risk of importing eventual diseases and pests into your tanks?

Having had bad experiences with fish disease brought home with store bought food, the latter might have a point. What does experience say?
Is it just an innate risk one have to live with if choosing to serve food from the live aisle?
Hi all,
If the White Mountain Minnows, salamanders and goldfish have not already devouvered them...
Sounds like a closed case!... the optimistic dare devil in me cheered.
in a low voice my more cautious perfectionist responded: But what about the risk of importing eventual diseases and pests into your tanks?
A fish free pond might be better. We don't have any fish in our pond, but we have plenty of newts (Lissotriton vulgaris). I think introducing Planaria (Tricladida) and Snail Leeches <"What are these?"> are a distinct possibility, unless you are very conscientious.

cheers Darrel