It may be hard to say in ppm as I dose branded ferts and they don't say nothing about ppm. They only tell you how many clicks for each 100l. But anyway I use Ferka and dose Nitrate, Mikro and something which contains micro and makro. As ferka is low on phosphates I additionally dose some kh2po4 of salts and Iron of Seachem.Ok , i understand , i have 2 x 24 W lighting on my 64 liter tank .
Can you please tell me what are you dosing now ? macros and micros and how much in ppm if possible .
I want to try this dosage on my tank since i have rotala and monte carlo aswell .
Thank you .
BTW how is your hygrophilla pinnatifida doing ? do you have pinholes in old leaves ?
Hygrophilla I only found that small damaged piece which you have seen on photo and got it stuck to the rocks. It recovered within a couple of weeks and looks fine, no pinholes or anything like that. May post a photo of leaves when back from work.