Some very good advice already given to you by some of the more experienced members on here. My thoughts for you, and maybe to try and help you not make the same mistakes as I have.
I'm not a new fish keeper, far from it, but I am too aquascaping and I'm also in the organising phase of a new 200l set up. As others have said its a different approach when considering scaping, and I have already made impulsive purchases and have buyers regret. I agree that the Roma 240 is a lovely aquarium more suited to keeping fish with a splattering of easy plants. If that's your thing, then great. However, if you maybe want your equipment to expand with your hobby as you move forward, then you will soon be wanting to replace your aquarium or equipment. Therefore, you could end up buying twice, and find that it is difficult to adapt the equipment to something that was purpose built in a certain way.
You mentioned you have a local shop and thats great I am all for supporting local businesses, but my advice is to step back and ask yourself are they a shop that supply fish with a few bits of hardscape littered around, or do they really know there stuff on how to keep plants in harmony with fish. I say this, as the advice you will be given from one shop will reflect on there background and knowledge, and most probably be full of personal opinions. Just because they own or work in a shop doesnt mean they actually know anymore than you do on certain subject. For example the last time I bought some fish from our local P@H store, the member of staff couldnt even sex guppies and told me that I would get a mix of whatever they plucked out. I also have a shop near me that are still instructing there customers the same as they did 20 years ago on keeping fish tanks and selling non aquatic plants for our aquariums. They have more novelty statues on sale than hardscape, to me it speaks volumes.
This site is in some ways more dedicated to keeping plants, the fish are somewhat secondary in most cases (obviously not to the detriment of the health and wellbeing of the stock) Therefore, you will get some very good food for thought here, and the guys will def help you think outside of the box a little.
I hope this helps you with your decision making, whatever route you choose.
I personally chose the Evolution Aqua 900 which again was built for aquascaping in mind, there are many others to choose though.