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RO Unit recommendations

The worse sin is for many ferts is there is no data to be found and they ignore your requests for it 🙄-
I noticed that there is no contents information on the side of my vimi all in red at all. Just a sticker in polish but it didn't have composition on it either. Same goes for the vimi website.
I was going to measure the ammonia and nitrate levels with a test kit to get a better idea of its breakdown.
But your figures above will save me the hassle!
I've literally just started co2 injection so I suspect my plants will start using up a lot more nitrate now, so I'll move back to the all in one option soon.
Hi all,
I had low iron problems until I increased my liquid fertiliser to daily, and I can't say I like the ivory & green vein look on my plants older leaves!
It may have been magnesium (Mg) rather than iron (Fe), if you had <"chlorosis just on the older leaves">?
Ivory allure!
I was quite proud of that one. I know they are <"ridiculous analogies">, but all I want is a <"bit of honesty"> from the <"sellers of these products">.
At the moment my nitrate is fine for my fish (ranging 20-40ppm) but I was going to get some amano shrimp & I heard 20ppm nitrate is their upper limit.
This is one that comes up a lot on the forum and the simple answer is <"we don't actually know"> at <"what level"> the nitrate ion (NO3-) becomes <"problematic for livestock">.

The issue is that we can arrive at high nitrate levels in two different ways, either:
  • The smoking gun of previously high levels of ammonia (NH3) and nitrite (NO2-), or
  • added as NO3- ions from tap water water of fertiliser.
It is only really planted tank keepers who add nitrate as an ion, and this is just because plants <"are so effective"> at removing it from the water column.

cheers Darrel
It may have been magnesium (Mg) rather than iron (Fe), if you had <"chlorosis just on the older leaves">?
I've been adding a few grams of epsom salts to my water changes to rule out magnesium too.

My algae went from brown algae to green algae after the magnesium/iron increase, but my mollies love eating it and I'm hoping the co2 will give plants the upper hand on the algae soon anyway.
I may not need amano shrimp so
Hi all,
I've been adding a few grams of epsom salts to my water changes to rule out magnesium too.

My algae went from brown algae to green algae after the magnesium/iron increase,
That is a pretty good indication that your tank <"was deficient"> in iron (Fe) and/or magnesium (Mg) before.

Green Algae belong to <"the same clade"> as ("share a common ancestor with") higher plants and have the same photo systems etc. If you like they are all green plants.

The major difference is that algae <"don't have any internal plumbing">, so they show a quicker response for non-mobile nutrients.

<"A quick response to nutrients"> (high maximal growth rate) was one of the reasons why Common Duckweed (Lemna minor) was the <"original duckweed"> for the <"Duckweed Index">.

cheers Darrel
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