Like most of Europe we're dealing with heatwaves here in Denmark, so tanks a bit hotter than I would like. Despite that, tank is doing great. I think the heat triggered some green dust algea to take off on the hardscape, but other than that the tank is very clean.
Stil dosing 1 ml Tropica Specialized daily and have added 100 Simulans to the tank. They seem to be very active and are all over the tank, fortunately they are pretty easily startled and then school tightly and directional, but that I'll save for a proper photo session.
All in all the bright blue stripes against the green is very pretty to watch even with GDA on hardscape

Stil dosing 1 ml Tropica Specialized daily and have added 100 Simulans to the tank. They seem to be very active and are all over the tank, fortunately they are pretty easily startled and then school tightly and directional, but that I'll save for a proper photo session.
All in all the bright blue stripes against the green is very pretty to watch even with GDA on hardscape