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River Slope

The plants missing on the tank are on order, hopefully they will arrive soon.

14139 Echinodorous Tenellus / pygmy chain sword / mudbabies

14149 Glossostigma Elatinoides / Glosso

14051 Micranthemum Micranthemoides

14061 Ludwigia Arcuata / Needle Leaf
The emersed part of the tank is now completed, the plants just need to grow more and adapt to the warmer climate inside the house, as they were on the garden since march:






The mob:

Submerged part:
Thanks.. Hopefully when the Hygros grow a bit more it will look much fuller. I would like to put some tall reeds there, to add some more colour, but have not found them yet. I am also looking for some more Draeceana, they do have them with some purple leaves, so I am looking at the LFS around me, they are always trying to sell non aquatic plants.. 🙂
Hi all,
It looks really good Luis, I like the emersed wood. Since I saw Tom Barr's L46 tank I've been on the look out for some similar wood, nearest I came was a some brilliant dead Juniper wood on the MOD's "Porton Down ranges", which isn't a starter for all sorts of reasons.

cheers Darrel
dw1305 said:
Hi all,
It looks really good Luis, I like the emersed wood. Since I saw Tom Barr's L46 tank I've been on the look out for some similar wood, nearest I came was a some brilliant dead Juniper wood on the MOD's "Porton Down ranges", which isn't a starter for all sorts of reasons.

cheers Darrel


I got some wood spare, if you want I can lend it to you, currently is gathering moss on outside. 🙂
ghostsword said:
Thanks.. Hopefully when the Hygros grow a bit more it will look much fuller. I would like to put some tall reeds there, to add some more colour, but have not found them yet. I am also looking for some more Draeceana, they do have them with some purple leaves, so I am looking at the LFS around me, they are always trying to sell non aquatic plants.. 🙂

Have you had a Look on Ebay in the Pond and Garden Section/ Fish Section. Usually people selling non aquatics or bog plants on there.
dw1305 said:
Hi all,
LondonDragon had a really nice fern growing from his HOB. Thread here <http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=6731>. I sent some Nephrolepis cordata up to him, but I don't know how it got on. I've still got plenty of Nephrolepis and I've got a few bits of terrarium grown Bolbitis heteroclita you could have as well.

cheers Darrel

Ok, let's do a deal. I can send you some manzanita wood in exchange for that.

Will pm you with pics of what I have.
My plants from Planted Tank finally arrived, mixed feeling about it.

The glosso is a bit yellow, but solid, the Tenellus is very healthy. However the micranthemum micrantehmoides and ludwigia arcuata, is mush. Completely dead. 🙁

The Dupla CO2 valve it very solid and looks great, good value for money.

Also got Vulcanit stix, will use them on the nano, a great freebie.

Will have to go to a LFS to see if they have the plants I want.
After looking at the Stock Solution Spreadsheet that was on http://www.barrreport.com/showthread.ph ... ockSol.xls, I realised that I was dosing too much KNO3.

The plants weren't complaining, and there was no algae, but there isn't a need to overdose if not needed.

My dosing for the 120L were 15ml of this:
48g Potassium Nitrate (KNO3)=8 tsp
2.2g Potassium Phosphate (monobasic)(KH2PO4)= 1/2 tsp
17g Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate (Epsom Salts)(MgSO4) = 4 tsp
4.0g Potassium Sulphate (K2SO4) = +- 3/4 tsp
0.5g E300 Ascorbic Acid = 1/8 tsp
0.2g E202 Potassium Sorbate = 1/16 tsp
5g EDTA Chelated Trace Elements Mix = 1 tsp
Add 500ml distilled water

The KNO3 was reduced to just 24g (4tsp), will try this month and see what the results are.

So I will be adding per day the following ppm:
NO3 - 5.30
PO4 - 0.50
K - 3.55
Mg - 0.63
Fe - 12 + 10ml of Easy Ferro a week

Two WC weekly of between 50 and 60%.
ghostsword said:

I am also looking for Ferns, a fern would look good on the tank. 🙂

Will check ebay.

You can trawl around garden centres and home improvement shops for Ferns.
Prices vary a lot, these are my bargains...

Ikea £3ish, Fern on left.
Netto £2ea x 2 ferns in 10l nano.
(£2 Nettos palm on RHS of shot).

(Tank is in progress, pic taken on day of setup, the plan is for emersed HC to cover where the ferns meet the water line...)


Full size pic here: http://www.a1matt.co.uk/phpAlbum/main.p ... h+1203.jpg
Thanks Matt,

I will check it out. I am also looking to use some of the non aquatic plants they sell on most LFS's, will make some sort of mesh tray for them to put on top of the wood on the right side. just 10cm of it.

I am also trying to grow some Glosso emersed, to use in patches.

The plan would be for the plants on top to provide shade to the plants on the submerged area of the tank, and have dark spots to mimick a rain forest river.

My plants can carpet with the leds, and low light will limit algae.

I got 40w on my 120L tank, so about 2wpg, good for crypts, ferns and anubias, and the front area gets light from above also.

My H. Polysperma were trimmed last night and the cuttings placed on the emersed part, on a bed of moss and riccia.
dw1305 said:
LondonDragon had a really nice fern growing from his HOB.
The fern is still doing very well, I have to send you some Darrell, haven't got round to it yet.

dw1305 said:
I sent some Nephrolepis cordata up to him, but I don't know how it got on.
Most of the plants you sent didn't really take off and melted away, one with smaller leaves did but was too fragile, everytime I remove it from the filter to clean it, it crumbled away.
Hi all,
I think the ones I sent Paulo were Nephrolepis cordifolia (A sword fern ), Acorus gramineus variegatus, and a Tradescantia relative Callisia repens, so it looks like a thumbs down for all of them.

I think Luis has got the same Nephrolepis, 2 different Adiantum spp. (Maiden-hair ferns), Bolbitis heteroclita (Terrarium grown), some unidentified fern sporelings from the Insectivorous plant bowls and a Gesnerid Columnea x banksii. I might have thrown an orchid in as well? its Dendrobium kingianum if I did.

cheers Darrel