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Rio 180 rescape


12 Jun 2012
So after what seems like months to me and countless questions I am starting to put the pieces together for my rescape. I just got back from holiday and picked up my jbl e700 filter courtesy of pfk, it will be running along side the standard Juwel box for now. I set it up and had it online within 15 minutes (bearing in mind this is my first external) it is super quiet and seems to have a good flow rate so all in all I am really happy. The only thing I will be adjusting is extending the spray bar as at the moment it only goes half way along the back of the tank. <br /><br />Anyway tank stats (once finished)<br />Tank:Juwel rio 180<br />Filters: bio flow 600 and JBL crystalprofi e700<br />Heater: Juwel 200 watt<br />Lights: 2 x t5 45 watt bulbs with reflectors <br />Co2: 2kg co2 fire extinguisher, easy aqua twin gauge reg with built in solenoid and needle valve, bubble counter, drop checker, diffused using DIY cerges reactor. <br />Substrate: Pool filter sand<br />Plants:TBC<br />Livestock:As in signature<br />Hard scape: Bog wood and Dragon stone<br />Fertiliser: EI dosing and JBL 7+13 root tabs<br /><br />So at the moment I have the new JBL filter cycling so to speak so I have as much beneficial bacteria as possible when rescape day comes, hopefully a couple of weeks from now. <br />So far I have purchased, on top of the standard Juwel equipment; Fire extinguisher, regulator, spray bar extras, root tabs and the filter housing for the cerges reactor. <br /><br />I will have purchased the rest of the equipment and materials before I start obviously but I have a little time while the new filter cycles. That's about it for now I will keep you posted on new purchases and when I will be starting the rescape. 🙂5222840f-d929-1cdc.jpg
This is how it looks at the moment

Juwel rio 180
2 angels
2 Siamese flying foxes
3 yo yo loaches
4 Julii corys
10 guppys
Right so I have just ordered the sand I have 25kg coming which should be ample. My next stage is to complete my co2 kit so, tubing, drop checker, bubble counter and piping for reactor... I think thats it. Extinguisher and reg already ordered so should see them this week.

Juwel rio 180
2 angels
2 Siamese flying foxes
3 yo yo loaches
4 Julii corys
10 guppys
So just a little update on the materials and equipment ordered and received. The regulator, sand, filter for reactor, root tabs, spray bar extras, co2 tubing, bubble counter are now here and waiting for the big day. I have also ordered the dragon stone which I got 10kg for £25 delivered which I thought was pretty good. I have tried adding to the spray bar and unfortunately I feel it reduces the flow to almost nothing so I now have a very nearly new jbl outlet set 12/16mm here if anyone wants it £5 plus p+p. I just paid £9.99 for it and used it for literally 1 minute. As you can guess this is a slight set back but I thinking of using a power head to increase flow from left to right so co2 gets good distribution. (any recommendations appreciated on power head) the main piece of bog wood I will be using has been soaking since Monday. I also bought a small aquatic plant encyclopaedia today so will start looking at what pants i want to add. 🙂

Juwel rio 180
2 angels
2 Siamese flying foxes
3 yo yo loaches
4 Julii corys
10 guppys
Have you got 2x spraybars now?, as you could attach one part of the spraybar to the powerhead and leave the other as is, then youll have effectively a full length spraybar with the most effective flow pattern from back to front of the tank?
I may have misunderstood something though so ignore me if im missing something.
I think it is only certain power heads you can do that with isn't it I was thinking of the koralias as no one has a bad word about them

Juwel rio 180
2 angels
2 Siamese flying foxes
3 yo yo loaches
4 Julii corys
10 guppys
Ahh i see, yeah ive got a koralia and its great!
Another little update....... The stones have arrived and they look pretty sweet. All that's left now is drop checker non return valve, parts for reactor and to resolve the flow issue. I am wondering if putting the spray bar on left hand side aiming across would work but I am unsure. Failing that I am thinking a power head on the back left hand side aiming to front right so as spray bar pushes water down front of tank the power head pushes it across the tank. Thoughts? I think I will be doing the hard scape and hopefully setting up co2 so the following weekend I can add plants during pwc.
What type for stones did you get James?
I bought a Koralia 1600 yesterday, to help out with the distribution of Co2, mine is placed on the left side, about 10 cm in and 15 cm from the surface, angled 45 degress and slightly down, towards the front, seems to give a good result.

Will post pictures in my journal later today.
It's dragon stone / pillar stone/ seriyui stone or whatever it's called lol. There is quite a few bits there I want to try and form some sort of natural looking cave with it. How much did you get the koralia for if you don't mind me asking?
Well the day is getting closer! Saturday is d day and I'm looking forward to it. I ordered the ferts, nr valve, drop checker and liquids from apf and should receive them hopefully in the next day or so. I also ordered some aquarium safe silicone to make my cave with Friday night so it's good to go in tank Saturday. Also I just bought a 25kg bag of silver sand as I'm just not feeling the pfs I bought. It's my fault, I didnt read the ad properly and opted for slightly bigger grains however they were bigger than I expected. I just feel its more like nano gravel lol d4b78049-eff2-f72e.jpg dont know what you guys think. I quite like the colour variation but it just doesn't look sandy enough for me. I feel it will be no different to cleaning a gravel tank. All I have to get now is the piping for reactor (hard bit is getting to a plumbers merchant before they close!)
Any opinions on the sand appreciated as now I have 2 options I have to decide by saturday
I will get a picture of the silver sand this afternoon/evening
Sorry about delay but here is a pic of the silver sand. It actually looks like sand which is a good start and I thinki it will look quite a nice colour once in a filled tankd4b78039-2c39-87cd.jpg
So today is the day and work has started! I am currently rinsing the sand out. So far I have found the most effective way is to throw it all in a bin fill up with water then get your hands in there lol empty and repeat. I have also made the reactor but I will make a separate thread for that. I will post a pic of the finished reactor here though. Plan of action for today is. Once sand has been rinsed move fish into temporary home which will be a nice new 40l bin with the external running. I'm hoping the will only be in there 2 hours tops. Then drain and empty tank. Complete clean, placement of drift wood and rock work I will then be using some aqua soil will confirm name when I have finished rinsing as a base layer where the tank will be planted most heavily. This will also have jbl root tabs in it. I will then be capping with silver sand. I will also be dosing EI. Once happy with placement and capping layer it will be time to refill tank and get fish back in there. Once this is done I will start setting up the co2. I will post more on that once its complete. 5222840f-ff27-8a88.jpg all the gear except sand
Tank cleaned
Aqua soil in tank
Sand, rocks and wood in place
Water in and settled fish back in.
That was as far as I got today any criticism welcomed. I will set up co2 and finalise flora list tomorrow. Hoping to plant next weekend. I want to get an interesting moss for the cave. I was looking at star moss but some of the info I read said it isn't a true aquatic moss and will die off after a couple of months. Has any one tried it or can recommend another moss. I was also looking at willow moss maybe.
Right so bad news I'm afraid. I went to set up the co2 system tonight only to find my reg isn't working. I have contacted retailer and will be posting it back on Friday to get everything sorted so hopefully the following weekend I will have the co2 sorted and have plants in. Sorry for delay 🙁
jamesb said:
Right so bad news I'm afraid. I went to set up the co2 system tonight only to find my reg isn't working. I have contacted retailer and will be posting it back on Friday to get everything sorted so hopefully the following weekend I will have the co2 sorted and have plants in. Sorry for delay 🙁
total bummer...its awful when you have something new which youve been waiting for and then you have to delay things further to send it back. Hope they sort it out quickly for you so you can get your plants ordered 🙂 Have you got a plantlist yet?