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Rehab a potential bargain haul

Hi all,
Or should I add water so that the water level is maybe 1 inch under the surface?
I'd probably top the tray up until the water level is near the top and then let it reduce to "no standing water" before repeating the filling. I'd be more worried about "too dry", rather than "too wet".

cheers Darrel
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Looks like you got a nice value! Crypts (the easy ones, anyway) will usually grow very well from any little piece of rhizome
WhatsApp Image 2023-09-18 at 08.17.26.jpegWhatsApp Image 2023-09-18 at 08.17.26 (1).jpegWhatsApp Image 2023-09-18 at 08.17.26 (2).jpeg

I am definitely seeing new leaves form on virtually every rhizome! Even the Echinodorus which looked like a brown ball of mush is sprouting a tiny new leaf! The only ones that look a little too far gone are the c. moehlmanni, which is a shame as i don't think I've ever seen that species in person, but the overwhelming success of the other plants makes this all worthwhile!