Just a bit of advice if any on my Lotus, is grows excessively and has done since it was planted, the leaves grow straight to the surface within a couple of days and then across the tank so within 5 days the leaves are half the length of the tank. I am therefore trimming it daily so that I dont end up with the stalks across the surface..

I have had a similar problem with the other plants on the left but having left them they have stopped growing so much.
Am I promoting its growth by trimming it so much? If I leave it will it just settle down and only grow to the surface rather than fill the whole tank in a couple of weeks?
I am dosing with Neutro+, Liquid carbon and injecting co2.
Just a bit of advice if any on my Lotus, is grows excessively and has done since it was planted, the leaves grow straight to the surface within a couple of days and then across the tank so within 5 days the leaves are half the length of the tank. I am therefore trimming it daily so that I dont end up with the stalks across the surface..

I have had a similar problem with the other plants on the left but having left them they have stopped growing so much.
Am I promoting its growth by trimming it so much? If I leave it will it just settle down and only grow to the surface rather than fill the whole tank in a couple of weeks?
I am dosing with Neutro+, Liquid carbon and injecting co2.