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rebuilding my vivarium

Absolutely fantastic, i dont know how ive not seen this before. Great job and how cool having livestock interest in and out of the water. It looks on the video like there is no front glass, i presume there must be some to stop escapees, do you remove it for filming, feeding etc?
Brilliant project you must be chuffed to bits!
sarahtermite said:
The Pogostemon in the waterfall looks great! I didn't realise it could grow emersed.
it grows really good emersed 🙂 i believe in its original habbitat it also grows submersed and emersed in streams and rocks.

Ady34 said:
Absolutely fantastic, i dont know how ive not seen this before. Great job and how cool having livestock interest in and out of the water. It looks on the video like there is no front glass, i presume there must be some to stop escapees, do you remove it for filming, feeding etc?
Brilliant project you must be chuffed to bits!
i have removed the glass for filming 🙂 tnx for all the positive reactions, i am really happy with this tank!