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rebuilding my vivarium

I agree , very realistic, I maybe starting a similar project on a nano scale, what pump/filter are you using, I was thinking of a small internal but am unsure if it would lift the water the 12" that I need it to.
looking good though, :clap:
@maloney i use a eheim 600 internal pump ( capable of 1,3 meters high )

first plants are in, now it just needs to grow and grow..

that looks fantastic, i have been tempted to have a go at building one of these for a while now, can you list the plant species you have used in this project, tks
the tank at the Vivarium exhibition in the netherlands

that is me in the background 🙂

and a short movie of one of my long tailed lizards which is feeding on fruitflies

tonight or tomorow i will upload a movie of the full tank
Look great Ghost, what are the dimensions and what sort of lights are you using?
the tank is 110cm high, 85cm width, and 60cm deep. I use 2 55watt PL's, 1 36watt PL light en a UV light for the lizzards.
Real nice.looking at emersed growing is putting a spark back into the hobby for me,I,m looking forward to having a go.what do you plant into at various heights please?
you mean what kind of plants go at what height ? i am not someone who does things by the book, so i try all kinds of stuff with the plants. it is not so much the height that makes a difference (although some species need to stay high due to the light they need) but most of them is more about wet or dry places..
i have some pogostemon helferi growing in my waterfall 🙂
i made a bit long video of the tank
The water drip system brings a gentle element of movement to the scene and the moss seems to benefit from it.very nice.To clarify my previous post do you use substrates to plant into at all? Your previous had trailing plants,what method were they attached?greatful for any tips.
i use no substrate at all, all plants are growing directly on the background or wood, except for the plant in the top left corner, there is a little substrate (normal potting earth). The bromeliads are attached with a nylon panty to the vines.
Stunning viv and great to see it from the beginning.How do you ventilate it to stop fungi and mold?