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If you were thinking of replacing this tank, what would you replace it with?....

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I find mixing glute in a spray bottle with some tank water does the trick. Spray all the exposed plants/hardscape when doing a water change and within a week or so the stuff is defeated. Leave it to soak for say ten minutes and then fill. I used to spot dose but it is too long and tedious if you have a lot of affected areas. Combining this with the increased maintenance you are doing should do the trick hopefully.

tank still looks great by the way, a proper nature aquarium!



Curious - What is a 'Glute spray'? Tried Googling Glute / water mix, and all I get is a selection of swimming exercises for strengthening buttocks!!
Curious - What is a 'Glute spray'? Tried Googling Glute / water mix, and all I get is a selection of swimming exercises for strengthening buttocks!!

“Glute” is an abbreviation for Glutaraldehyde, which is the active ingredient in so called liquid carbon products such as Seachem Excel and Easy Life Easy-Carbo.

Whilst it’s usefulness as a carbon source is debatable, it has a well proven side use as an effective algaecide, especially when spot dosed.
things are improving and the bba is slowly subsiding. I am feeling a desire for change with this tank which usually means it’s time to move on.....
I will run this until after Christmas to reach the two year milestone and then consider my options.
Here’s a photo just after maintenance on Sunday......


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Would be a shame to tear this one down, but it's been two years and you get the urge to do something new 🙂
Put up the hardscape and plants for sale as is 😉
Would be a shame to tear this one down, but it's been two years and you get the urge to do something new 🙂
Put up the hardscape and plants for sale as is 😉
First rule of hardscape collections is never to sell hardscape collections 😉:lol:
Still looking awesome though 🙂 Any idea's yet what kind of direction you want to go next?
Thanks and no, not really, lots of ideas but no real definite concept. If it gets planted again it will likely be a full soil substrate and small fish with less variety.

Impressive that you’ve managed to run this for 2 years.🙂
Something like this for your next scape with black neon tetras would be awesome...
View attachment 156050
Great skill involved but diorama are not really my cup of tea.
Rotala and ludwigia. Both originally from @hogan53.
Sat watching tv.....🤔🤥😂


Oh, check out the poll, what would you do?
