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Quarantine? Or add to main tank?


4 May 2024
Not sure where best to put this post, but decided here was probably most appropriate. I've been a bit of an idiot and accepted some pygmy coreys and neon green rasboras before I have my quarantine tank set up (tocotoex!).

It's a 50 litre and has a sand/gravel substrate with guppy grass, java moss, and ubiquitous duckweed. It will also have some bits of baby of java fern I plan to propagate onto bogwood. Eventually it'll have a few nerites and cherry shrimp as permanent inhabitants. So far so good, future-me will be grateful to past-me.

Current-me, however, has said she'll have these new fish before the tank is cycled.

I do not have a cycled sponge filter to put in there, but I do have a HOB breeder box that's been running for a couple of months on an established tank with filter floss/foam and a parlour palm and a peace lily growing in ceramic beads and some lava-rock rubble.

My choices are

1. Move the HOB set-up to the new tank and add the fish to to quarantine and pray
2. Add the fish to my main tank and pray.

Which is my least bad option? I cannot give backword on the fish, which would be my ideal option. Thanks in advance.