Hi all,
That is the <"Aquarium Science"> review.
I'm <"not qualified to pass comment">, although I'm going to imagine that it maybe <"pretty near the truth">. It would be fair to say he isn't exactly a Seachem fanboy.
From <" Prime, Safe and Ammonia">
cheers Darrel
I think it’s clear by now that I am no Seachem fan myself, but making exaggerated negative claims, as in that article, also does not help the hobby. It’s not a source I would reference much. The author there seems to have a beef that it is described as "an "organic scavenging resin":
Is it a resin? The author of the same article says two sentences after it’s simply a plastic resin bead. A quick search for acrylate resins will give plenty of places that call polycarboxylates resins. So even if we take the author’s guess at the composition of purigen, it’s a resin.It categorically is not an “organic scavenging resin”. The hydrophilic carboxylated acrylate chemistry is used in making baby diapers. This would appear to simply be one of the plastic resin bead feed stocks for making baby diapers.
Is it organic scavenging? Just a few paragraphs up the author sets up tests where chlorophyll, red food coloring, methylene blue, safranin, tannic acid etc are reportedly completely removed by Purigen. Those are all organic substances. They have a very discernible color to them so can be easily seen when they were taken up by Purigen. Yet it is suggested that it doesn‘t remove organics... perhaps Purigen has a fancy for brightly colored organics.
Just using the information given by the author the ’categorically is not‘ argument is dismissed.
The experiment with nitrogenous waste removal is also rather shoddy.
So 4 ppm N every day, then he tests water for nitrate after 2, 4, 8,16 weeks. How is it that after 2 weeks he detects 40 ppm NO3 in all tanks ? 4ppm N * 14 days = 56 ppm N ( 248 ppm NO3). After 16 weeks, 400 ppm NO3 are reported .... yep that‘s not as expected 4 ppm N *112 day = 448 ppm N ( 1983 ppm NO3). Even if we generously allow 10-20% loss to assimilation, it‘s way off. I wonder how he dealt with HCO3 loss from all that nitrification...seems a secret.4 ppm of nitrogen was added in the form of food every day.
Besides can you imagine how a tank with 448 N from organics for 112 days looks like? I say imagine because I cannot find any image of the setups and tests, just random fish.etc. etc.
Yes microorganisms will colonize the filter media and I don‘t expect the organics in there to be eternally stable. That’s why it’s good to clean and replace / renew them if we truly want nutrient export. There are some alternatives , like Masterline - Purity coming to market but can‘t say they are cheaper... maybe a trial with baby diapers aquariumscience.org-style (please don’t)