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Pruning - A general guide to plant maintenance

I'm slowly but surely turning my tank into a proper planted tank and this is a really helpful guide.

Some of my plants include Apongenton Crispus and a tiger lotus and they have root balls. I've read elsewhere that root balls should not be planted beneath the substrate as they will begin to rot, should they be planted completely or should the top half at least be visible?
Iliveinazoo said:
Some of my plants include Apongenton Crispus and a tiger lotus and they have root balls. I've read elsewhere that root balls should not be planted beneath the substrate as they will begin to rot, should they be planted completely or should the top half at least be visible?

you can plant tiger lotus as deep as you like, not sure about the other though as Ive never kept it.
Answered the question I was about to ask.

This is a very informative tutorial. I'm fairly new to to the planted aquarium and I'm just "testing the water" with the plants I've got:- Seeing how they grow, what nutrients they thrive on, how much CO2 etc.. etc..

I knew very little about actual hands-on maintenance and how to handle/prune the growing plant.

When I get a bigger tank and actually aquascape it I will refer to this artricle for reference.

Many thanks indeed for taking the time to share this.
hellohefalump said:
When you prune a lily, do you cut the leaf off at the base of the stalk, or do you just cut the leaf of, leaving the stalk?
Cut it at the base!
fantastic read! 😀
Thanks James for this concise write up - I have found so much information on the net and feeling so dizzy from it all it's nice to read something that I can make sense of and actually put to use!
I think this it's my hand 🙂
It's an honor for me 😀