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Project 178

Jason Baliban

22 Nov 2009
Hello everyone,

This is my first post on the board:)

Usually I do not show my layouts until they are complete. This time, I am doing something a little different and creating a journal of the process.

Here is what i have so far.

Please feel free to ask questions or comment on the progress. I will update the thread as progress is made.

I just picked up the Oceanic 178gallon to replace my much loved ADA 120H that spawned this layout....
http://www.projectaquarium.com/plantedA ... ander.aspx
...this new tank is an effort move away from 3 tanks to just 1 large tank....that is the plan anyway

Tank - Cherry 178 Oceanic Ultimate - 60x24x29" - with matching stand.

Here are two shots of the stand that was easily put in place...


Here is the tank that spent the night in the truck, because i really cant figure out how to get it out!! This thing is going to require 3-4 people to help me lift it out!!



Out of the truck....required 3 people.


Before i could put the tank on the stand i needed to create a hole for the filter tubes.

Before the cuts

First hole. On the ground, you can see the grommet i am going to use to fill the hole.

Two holes....now to saw out the middle part...


I plan to use two 150W pendents to light this tank. The pendents need to be hung. I plan to make a light stand similar to the one that is on this tank....
http://www.projectaquarium.com/aquarium ... _stand.jpg

The challenge with doing this with the oceanic tank is that there is a lip at the top of the stand where the tank sits. I needed to fabricate something to mount the light stand on, setting it off the sides of the tank by 3/4" to clear the lip.

I went to the store and picked up two pieces of oak...

I sanded the corners a bit to create a smooth edge...


Drilled 3 holes in the stand to mount the wood...

Finished!! This will give the light stand something to attach to.

With the help of a very strong neighbor, who is built like Shane Victorino, we got the tank on the stand.

Here are a few shots.

Zoe is about 14" tall....

Tina is about 5', 3" tall....

Side view...

Cool shot...

Determining pendent height

I am hanging two 150W pendents over this tank. The general rule is that 1 MH can spread about 24", but unfortunately I am right in the middle with the length of this tank. 2 lights might not be enough, but 3 will certainly be too much.

Before I build the light stand, I need to determine how high off the top of the tank I need to hang the lights. To do this, I held the pendent at different heights to see what kind of light spread I am going to get. You can see by these two pics that even 2 inches in height difference doesn't make that much of a difference lengthwise. Unfortunately, it does make a larger difference depthwise

Here are two pics of the experiment. The red dot marks the center and the blue dots are in 4" increments from the center.

10" height - about 12" of solid spread

12" height - about 15" of solid spread

I have determined I am going to start the lights at about 10" from the top of the tank and make the light stand a full 84" tall. I may lose full spread at the total top of the tank, but due to the depth of the tank I will sacrifice a little spread at the top for penetration to the bottom.

Building the light stand

I picked up some 1/2" EMT from the Home Depot and was time to make the light stand.

Here is the tool we use to bend EMT...

Positioning for bending...

After the bend...







I am still in search of some hardscape materials that are large enough for this tank.

Here is what I currently have. While they are all nice and interesting, they might not be large enough. The cardboard is about 4 foot, to give you an idea of scale...

Here is the hardscape.....it has changed a bit since the photo, but it is 90% the same...

It was inspired by this shot from Hawaii...


Welcome to UKAPS!

Looks great, looking at your pictures i suspect that your not from the UK, maybe the USA (big truck :lol: )

Keep up the journal, its great when people do such detailed journals.

That is one deep tank, i hope you have long arms! :thumbup:
Excellent start, Jason, and welcome to the forum here too, your work in fantastic :)

Must say, I love the tank... there's something warm and cosy about this look which I much prefer over the cold ADA look. Initial hardscape looks great to, can't wait to see updates... Do you have a plant list in mind yet?
Welcome to UKAPS, Jason!

Stunning tank and journal - thanks for sharing. This is going to be one to watch...
welcome to UKaps Jason.
The tank and DIY equipment is looking great, I'm really looking forward to seeing this one as it develops.

Hi Jason,

Awesome journal so far. I'll definately be following this one :thumbup:

Strange I was just watching the AGA 2008 dvd last night and saw you in action on the "iron scape" competition (Mr Amano as one of the judges, there wasn't much pressure there then :lol: )


wow, no further comments.

Ps welcome and I will tell the same to you as they told me, welcome to the crazy world
I can see this ones going to be a good watch :D

Keep up the good work!

Love seeing tanks and cabinets made from nothing to fully working! Gives me some good ideas ;)
Hi jason,
firstly welcome to ukaps,secondly its nice to see our home grown forum is now going world wide,
love your setup so far and your diy skills,if you pull off what you have in mind then its going to look awesome,
regards john.
First let me say thank you for the very warm welcome. I appologize for not updating this as often as i would like but i got caught up in a few other projects over the last few weeks. I will post the next update in a few minutes after this post.

To answer some questions....

AndyH - Yeah, it was a big truck. Luckily my friend was kind enough to lend it to me:) And no, my arms are really not long enough as I found out trying to plant the thing!! HAHA

JamesM - I intend (and did) to use all low light plants. There is going to be no nutrient rich substrate in this tank, just sand, so stems are out. ....mostly ferns and anubias.

myboyshay - Yeah, there was some pressure there with amano judging. Unfortunately i did not win that one:(
It is finally planted and filled!!

Special thanks to our local clubs DVAGA and GWAPA for coming out and enjoying the day with me. It really was a blast to hang out with everyone, eat pizza, and watch Jeff dig through a sewer drain in search of rocks!! :)

Here are some pics of the even and the finished product!!

Getting ready for the company....notice the bins of plants.

Planted and beginning to fill..


Half way there..



