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Potential Plant Deficiency


27 Dec 2024
Hi Everyone

I’m having a few oddities showing on my plants that I think are deficiencies.

After a bit of searching, it looks like a lack of Phosphate and Nitrogen but I could be wildly off. I have a liquid Nitrate test but it isn’t detecting anything.

I’m dosing TNC complete - 5ml per day - alongside EG Carbo - 3ml per day - first thing in the morning.

Here’s two plants - Java Fern and Amazon Sword:
It looks similar to phosphate deficiency I’ve found while browsing the forum and internet. Although, I’ve also seen the potential that they could be transforming due to being grown emerged.

New Java Fern leaves are translucent on the tips. Which might indicate a nitrogen deficiency.

I also live in Lincolnshire, that has hard water, and I’ve read that this increases issues with iron.

Not sure if this will help but interestingly, hair algae has popped up with the decline of these plants. And GSA has just appeared in abundance across the back of the tank.

Any help would be much appreciated 😊.
Differential green growth....is new young growth on Java Fern.
Of course, completely forgot:

1. Size of tank in litres - 200
2. Age of the set - 7 weeks
3. Filtration - Fluval 307, mix of biological and mechanical - one bag of purigen
4. Lighting and duration - Aquael Leggy 14w x2 12 hours
5. Substrate - Tripica Soil and Sand
6. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing - none
7. Fertilizers used & Ratios - TNC complete (5ml daily) & Easy Carbo (3ml daily)
8. Water change regime and type - 40/50% weekly
9. Plant list + When planted - quite a variety most planted 7 weeks ago
10. Drop Checker - no
11. Inhabitants - 8x Cherry Barbs, 6x Corys, 5x Neons, 1x gourami

is new young growth on Java Fern.
Ah, thank you, really helpful 😊.
Hi all,
The plant health looks OK, you could try a bit more fertiliser.

What does <"your floating plant look like">? It will have access to <"atmospheric CO2"> and <"first dibs on the light">.
After a bit of searching, it looks like a lack of Phosphate and Nitrogen but I could be wildly off.
Leaf greeness is correlated with chlorophyll content, and chlrorophyll levels often reflect the availability of the macro-nutrients and particularly nitrogen (N). Have a look at <"The scientific background to the "Leaf Colour Chart"">.
I have a liquid Nitrate test but it isn’t detecting anything.
Give it <"a good shake">.
New Java Fern leaves are translucent on the tips. Which might indicate a nitrogen deficiency.
Differential green growth....is new young growth on Java Fern.
Yes just <"the way they grow">. They often produce a lot of new plantlets on the leaves after a change of environment.

cheers Darrel
Thanks Darrel. The plant in the photo is a cutting that I hadn’t fished out yet - I had some Salvinia, but the flow of old was pulling it into the water, leading me to remove it.

The duckweed index pops up a lot when looking through the forum, and with a newly installed spray bar, it’s seems like a no brainier when looking to my next purchase.

So with that, I have some Frogbit due on Friday - which would have answered questions to my last two threads 😊 - Or at least, would have ticked a few boxes off when troubleshooting.
hard water
Sufficient Iron and the plants will then be able to utilise the Nitrate and hopefully that will help with green filament algae - or at least that is the theory. Looking at my main tank, as I type, the shame of it, I'm thinking I could sell filament algae if anybody is interested! On the optimistic side, green filament algae is a rough and ready indicator that the light is strong enough for healthy plant photosynthesis.
On the optimistic side, green filament algae is a rough and ready indicator that the light is strong enough for healthy plant photosynthesis
And as I’m reading this, I have just noticed the development of green filament algae on my moss!

Which actually gives it a really nice green hue.

Sufficient Iron and the plants will then be able to utilise the Nitrate
I’ve read up a little about iron, which at the moment seems quite complicated, but our water is quite hard in Lincolnshire and through it something to watch out for.
quite hard in Lincolnshire
Yes I realised that and my tap water is very hard, as it is in London where I kept fish for many years. I currently soften my water, cutting it with rain water when available - an issue in the summer - and DI water from the tumble drier - which doesn't get much use in the summer. I take my KH down from around 18 to 8-10. But I still add sequestered iron at water changes and if I spot nutrient deficiencies. My tank is quite heavily stocked so I don't routinely need to add macro nutrients to the water column, I do however if Nitrate dips below 10 ppm. I think my filament algae is largely currently down to high light and the tank temperature riding up to above 26 degrees Celsius, a bit warmer towards the surface, I find 22-23 ideal for plants, but the Rummy Noses like a floor of 24. Compromises are always part of the lot of a fish keeper and plant grower.
It’s been a few weeks now, and here’s a picture of my Frogbit , they look to be struggling.

While the ring protects them from rapid movement, there is still some bobbing going on. Have you got any recommendations for a substitute (that doesn’t mind bobbing, but could also help as a nutrient indicator - I have a lid on the tank too).
Hi all,
While the ring protects them from rapid movement, there is still some bobbing going on. Have you got any recommendations for a substitute (that doesn’t mind bobbing, but could also help as a nutrient indicator - I have a lid on the tank too).
That looks pretty unhealthy, I'm pretty sure it isn't a flow issue but is a nutrient issue. The problem is "which nutrient"? <"When the Duckweed Index breaks down>."

cheers Darrel
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Thanks Darrel

I currently dose the following via liquid - 49ml over the week (7.5 per day) into a 200l tank that is moderately planted. 50% water change per week.

The plants are relatively new (between 2-8 weeks old).

Here’s my tank as of yesterday for reference:


Small amounts of BBA and Staghorn are appearing - although after reading, it’s likely organic breakdown rather excess fertiliser that is causing the issue.
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I'd try adding some more magnesium (Mg) via "Epsom Salts"
Thank you Darrel, I’ve found a really helpful post where you explained the dosage of Mg here -
BGA and Nutrient Deficiency?

So using the above post, I have 200 litres of water (more likely 150l), if 1g of MgSO4.7H20 (in a 100 litres) adds 1 ppm magnesium and I’m looking to add 5 ppm, then I should look to add 7.5g of Epsom salt tomorrow.

Then, when changing water, (at the moment it’s 50%) I’d add in 3.7g.

*edited my original post as I found the answer while searching
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