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Poison dart frog vivariums

Take the Dog
Take the Wood

tough call 😕

though I’m thinking the Dog just might win 😛

Awesome wood collection!

What if the dog takes the wood?😵

*Mind blown*

What if the dog takes the wood?😵

*Mind blown*

Never happen

My old working line Sheltie - that your dog put me so much in mind of - went utterly mad with joy for the hose (spraying) but sticks belong on the ground, resting for eternity
Never happen

My old working line Sheltie - that your dog put me so much in mind of - went utterly mad with joy for the hose (spraying) but sticks belong on the ground, resting for eternity

So so true, my parents have a 7 month old rough collie and she's the same, literally zero retrieval instincts 🙄

The next tank is on its way :

- Mesh replaced with glass, ventilation added

- Bulkead drilled and siliconed in for drainage (lets hope it doesn't leak this time)

- Bottom ventilation covered in mesh to minimise fruit fly escapees

- Dark treefern panels siliconed in place

- False bottom in place (egg crate and plastic mesh)

45893903582_b8f952ee7a_h.jpg20181117_170433 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

45219047504_f6999262b2_h.jpg20181118_184239 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

Also attempted a couple of scapes :

Scape 1 :

45219049864_6158493aaf_h.jpg20181117_201049 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

Scape 2 :

45219051344_f427820a40_h.jpg20181117_192035 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr
Well underway.

No adhesives used to secure the wood, fingers crossed it stays stable 🙂

32087019228_067e523098_h.jpg20181119_172633 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

45045886535_6c8435f436_h.jpg20181119_172645 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

32087014888_fc73e59c7b_h.jpg20181119_172649 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

45233805744_610b60677d_h.jpg20181119_172654 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

44141509590_bf79ab9bb9_h.jpg20181119_172747 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

Nice think layer of ABG soil mix, magnolia base leaf layer, followed by American and finally English oak.

Plants next 🙂
Looking good.. Where did you get you misting nozzle' s from?

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Right hand tank nozzles are from Rich at rainforestvivs, the left hand ones are from 'the frog cabin' on FB.

Mistking nozzles are by far and away the best ones, but we pay a premium over here in the UK 🙄

Did you manage to get your build underway?
A small order of plants on the way for the escudo tank :

- Ficus montana
- Marcgravia sintenisii
- Marcgravia umbellata
- Microgramma reptans
- Microgramma tecta
- Neoregelia 'fireball'
- Neogregelia 'hawaii'
- Neoregelia 'hybrid'
- Neoregelia 'punctatissma'
- Neoregelia 'red waif'
- Philodendron sp.
- Pyrrosia nummularifolia
- Pyrrosia piloselliodes

Hoping to place an orchid order soon, but firstly i'll be collecting the Escudo next week 🙂
Right hand tank nozzles are from Rich at rainforestvivs, the left hand ones are from 'the frog cabin' on FB.

Mistking nozzles are by far and away the best ones, but we pay a premium over here in the UK 🙄

Did you manage to get your build underway?
Yes mate got it setup. I'm using exo terra nozzles at the mo. Ain't the best lol.


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Looks good, yeah the exo terra nozzles aren't the best in my experience.

What have you done to the exo terra lid?
Added a trio of Oophaga pumilio 'escudo' at the weekend - bought a probable pair and one unsexed juvenile, one's been calling and wrestling with at least one of the others - could be establishing territory / heirachy, could be bullying a sub-dominant male.

Will post a detailed update in the future, had it's ups and downs.

A couple of photos :

Rio Branco viv -

46699366221_e74fb2609a_k.jpgRio Branco Viv 1 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

46699367071_b3dc69bb28_k.jpgRio Branco Viv 2 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

A couple of interesting tropical liverworts added and flourishing :

46699368711_ac97fe4c4b_k.jpgLiverwort by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

46699369701_8285f4b396_k.jpgLiverwort 2 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

Rio Branco :

39734515443_e3d4711095_k.jpgDSC_0053 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

Escudo viv :

46699370881_e8825a28f9_k.jpgEscudo by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

A couple of random shots :

46699372281_de22563070_k.jpgDSC_0050 by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

46699367801_3f1b8f1961_k.jpgPeperomia by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

46699365121_1c77ef8652_k.jpgPleuothallis by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

46699364331_57b31986d2_k.jpgPleurothallis mittleamerika by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr
Any updates?

Not much happening really, i'll try and update with some photos tomorrow, see if you notice any differences 🙂

Rio Branco viv - coming up to 11 months of age now, still an unidentified 0.0.4 group, no calling but seem to be on the floor in the leaf litter more now. Have a feeling they're all females.

Escudo viv - Still a 1.0.2 group, plenty of calling from the male and witnessed him wrestling with the other 2 escudo, which concerns me as it may prove to be a trio of males.

Third build - Fluval stratum ordered as a bit of a test, see how the plants / ispods / future inhabitants react to this.