A few frogs have gone, a few have arrived, a tank has been rescpaed due to cyano / algae issues (which are still there).
So the group of male Isla Colon 2 x froglet escudo and 2 of the 4 female Rio Branco were exchanged for a sexed pair of Bastimentois Red frog beach and, FINALLY, a proven male to Branco.
So my three tanks all have potential breeding pairs / groups in them.
Not all straightforward though, I have drainage issues with my substrate and one tank needed gutting and re-scaping, this time I kept it simple, retaining the treefern and using a few simple cork pieces, secured with expanding foam, and any joints covered with silicone and ground Xaxim - the nuisance algae has returned though, much to my annoyance.
Also my substrate / drainage is an issue with the moisture wicking up through the hydroleca and turning my substrate to mush - my solution os to gut the tanks floor one by one, remove the hydroleca drainage and ABG substrate, to replace with koi filter matting and Akadama respectively.
- Freshly rescaped setup for the 1.1 pair of RFB bastimentos (note the mould on the left hand panel which has since aggressively spread again)
- The pair of RFB, still settling in
- Male Rio Branco (since confirmed as calling like crazy)
- My female Escudo transporting a tadpole
A few frogs have gone, a few have arrived, a tank has been rescpaed due to cyano / algae issues (which are still there).
So the group of male Isla Colon 2 x froglet escudo and 2 of the 4 female Rio Branco were exchanged for a sexed pair of Bastimentois Red frog beach and, FINALLY, a proven male to Branco.
So my three tanks all have potential breeding pairs / groups in them.
Not all straightforward though, I have drainage issues with my substrate and one tank needed gutting and re-scaping, this time I kept it simple, retaining the treefern and using a few simple cork pieces, secured with expanding foam, and any joints covered with silicone and ground Xaxim - the nuisance algae has returned though, much to my annoyance.
Also my substrate / drainage is an issue with the moisture wicking up through the hydroleca and turning my substrate to mush - my solution os to gut the tanks floor one by one, remove the hydroleca drainage and ABG substrate, to replace with koi filter matting and Akadama respectively.
- Freshly rescaped setup for the 1.1 pair of RFB bastimentos (note the mould on the left hand panel which has since aggressively spread again)
- The pair of RFB, still settling in
- Male Rio Branco (since confirmed as calling like crazy)
- My female Escudo transporting a tadpole