Hello everyone!
I have the following problem. Some of my plants are turning kind of brown. It mostly happens with Rotala wallichii, Rotala H'ra and limnophila aromatica.
Additionally my Ludwigia Rupens Rubin not turning Red.
Here is my tank parameters:
1. 800 liters 180smx80smx55sm
2.Running for 7 months
3.Filtration: Sump; 1 chamber multiple multiple sponges, 2-3 chambers seachem matrix and biohome (total 35kg). seachem purigen.
4. WRGB. 14:00-22:00 (W:80%, B:80%, R:80%, G:50%) 22:00-23:00 (WBR:15%)
5. ADA Amazonia V2 and fine gravel, root tabs in gravel
6. Installed 6 weeks ago. CO2 Reactor from Aquamedic + 2000l/h pomp. Controlled by PH controller + separate valve for night. During the day pH drops from 7.5 to 6.2. Drop checker get lime green.
7. Fertilizers Tropica Specialized every day 20ml and Tropica Premium every day 10 ml. Also dosing additional PO4
8. Every 7-10 days 50%
9. Palnts are multiple cryptocorynes, multiple echnidoruses, multiple buchephalandras, Rotala Roundofolia, Rotala Orange Juice, Rotala Wallichni, Alternathera reckini mini, Alternather Cardinals, Golden Nesaea, Ludwiga Super Red, limnophila hippuridoides, multiple anubiases, Java ferns, Java moss.
10. Lime Green During the day.
11. Stock: angelfish - 12; Rummy Nose Tetra - 30; Kardinal Tetra - 12; Black Neon Tetra - 10; Corrydoras Sterbai - 10; Corrydoras Panda -10; Apistograma Ramizeri -4; Apistograma Columbian -2; Apistogramma cacatuoides-2; Ancistrus -4; L333 - 2; L340-1; Nerite Snails - 10.
Here are images.
Could you please help?
Thank you in advance.
I have the following problem. Some of my plants are turning kind of brown. It mostly happens with Rotala wallichii, Rotala H'ra and limnophila aromatica.
Additionally my Ludwigia Rupens Rubin not turning Red.
Here is my tank parameters:
1. 800 liters 180smx80smx55sm
2.Running for 7 months
3.Filtration: Sump; 1 chamber multiple multiple sponges, 2-3 chambers seachem matrix and biohome (total 35kg). seachem purigen.
4. WRGB. 14:00-22:00 (W:80%, B:80%, R:80%, G:50%) 22:00-23:00 (WBR:15%)
5. ADA Amazonia V2 and fine gravel, root tabs in gravel
6. Installed 6 weeks ago. CO2 Reactor from Aquamedic + 2000l/h pomp. Controlled by PH controller + separate valve for night. During the day pH drops from 7.5 to 6.2. Drop checker get lime green.
7. Fertilizers Tropica Specialized every day 20ml and Tropica Premium every day 10 ml. Also dosing additional PO4
8. Every 7-10 days 50%
9. Palnts are multiple cryptocorynes, multiple echnidoruses, multiple buchephalandras, Rotala Roundofolia, Rotala Orange Juice, Rotala Wallichni, Alternathera reckini mini, Alternather Cardinals, Golden Nesaea, Ludwiga Super Red, limnophila hippuridoides, multiple anubiases, Java ferns, Java moss.
10. Lime Green During the day.
11. Stock: angelfish - 12; Rummy Nose Tetra - 30; Kardinal Tetra - 12; Black Neon Tetra - 10; Corrydoras Sterbai - 10; Corrydoras Panda -10; Apistograma Ramizeri -4; Apistograma Columbian -2; Apistogramma cacatuoides-2; Ancistrus -4; L333 - 2; L340-1; Nerite Snails - 10.
Here are images.
Could you please help?
Thank you in advance.
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