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Plants turn brown 24 hours help please

Hi all, the black out cleared the fog but brown I still have brown algae any other ideas I can try

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Dw1305 I have been dosing with different iron and the Rotala Bosii still looks the same, it gets new growth but the brown algae eventually smothers it.

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Brown algae is covering my ants faster that they grow

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Hi all,
Dw1305 I have been dosing with different iron and the Rotala Bosii still looks the same, it gets new growth but the brown algae eventually smothers it.
I don't really know what to suggest. Looking at the pictures, on page 1., the internodes on the plants look very long, which is often a sign of low light levels.
My only explanation for this is I cleaned my filter as u usually do but I gave my bio media a good shake in tank water maybe I over did it.
How often do you clean the filter? and what filter media do you have?

cheers Darrel
Hi Darrell, I agree with the light part as I had old lights on there for the last 2 months I have been running 4 t5 at 54 watts each for 8 hours. I also did what you said with the iron a day that has helped alot. The issue I'm having is that fast stems have nice fresh green growth and within days it gone brown from algae. I'm starting to think it's my tap water.

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Should I leave the lights on longer maybe, I lowered the photo period due to the brow algae

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My media is sponge then finer sponge then sinted glass for bio. Lastly is carbon and purigen

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I have a fluval 406 with a spray bar a cross the back like ceg always says with a 300l power head below that

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I think I'm getting a little blue green algae right next to the brown on the glass and sugar straight. The funny thing is my betta tank upstairs get no love and it's clean as a whistle

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Hi all,
My media is sponge then finer sponge then sintered glass for bio. Lastly is carbon and purigen
I'd take the fine sponge out (but just because it clogs really quickly).
The funny thing is my betta tank upstairs get no love and it's clean as a whistle
Hopefully if you wait the diatoms should go away of their own account in this tank as well as it matures.

cheers Darrel
I hope so it's coming upto 6 months now that I've had this. I clean my filter every week and rinse the sponges in old tank water

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The only other change I've made there is a different iron

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I'll post some new pictures once I'm home

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The plants look healthy until the brown gets it

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I think I have fixed it!!

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I woke up Friday and the brown algae is definitely going. I think I needed to balance my kno3 and phosphate. I now add alot more phosphate and no kno3 as my tap water is always 20 plus. I also drastically reduced my micro nutrients as I thought I had been over dosing and add iron on its own now 2 times per week. My plant growth has exploded over the last few days. Thanks for everyone's advice

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