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Plants not doing so well, need help!!


1 Dec 2015
Hello all

I need some help, I've not long started keeping live plants in my aqaurium and some are not doing soo well, the leaves are going yellow then going clear and falling off.

I have a 90L (23 us gallon) tank that has pressurised injected co2 at 2 bubbles a second.
I have a drop checker at the other end of the tank that has not really gone green stuck somewhere between green, blue.
I have a rainbar on the right pushing water to the left and the flow captures the co2 bubbles and takes them around the tank.
Lighting I have 2 18" 15w Life-Glo bulbs that are on 6 1/2 hrs a day.
The co2 turns on and goes off with the lights.
Water paramaters are 6d kH 7.0 PH which should put me at about 20ppm co2.

I've added a few pictures, what looks brown on the leaves in the photo are actually clear patches.

Can anyone help me??




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That "rain bar" could be your culprit in this, try using it as a spray bar, meaning put it under the water surface (about 1inch) aim it at the left hand glass, this should give you a much better current and stop degassing you CO2 so much (also makes your tank less noisy).
Remove damaged and yellow leaves as they won't get better and only put more waste in your water.
What's your fert regimen?

My thoughts are to also put a root tab under one of the sword plants and then observe. If it improves then rinse and repeat.
From the first photo, your substrate looks very shallow. Those swords can have hugh roots. The plants may be suffering as the roots cannot grow as normal! You don't mention your ferts dosing regime. This may be something to consider.