I have a blackwater aquarium with wild caught discus. The ec ranges between 28 and 33 and the ph 4.9 and 5.1 (if you trust the probe - i don't). Temp is between 81.8f and 84.8f. The tank has been setup for a bit over a year and these are some plants (some where added as recently as 6 months ago): The substrate is inert pool sand but i do add a few root tabs (maybe not enough).

This colorful sword grew quite well the first 3 or 4 months but as we can see it is not doing so well. I suspect it is extreme nutrient deficient - i did give it a couple of root tabs yesterday but i don't have much hope. I forget the exact species - but maybe hadi pearl.
That is a lily in the back - specifically Nymphaea sp. Peru Puerto Maldonado and has been in there for a while. Not doing too badly.

That is one nice anubia - nanji maybe. You can see the new leaf looks pretty nice. I never glue my anubia or tie them - rather i just sort of put them around the drift wood. This one has latched on on its own and is now firmly attached with the roots quite deep into the wood. We could call it a bear hug.

a more recent addition around oct 1 2024 - barclay. Not sure if long term it will get enough nutrient but right now it seems like it might bloom.
Another newish addition - maybe 2 months ago - it was a s. repens tissue and it is growing quite well. I think i mentioned elsewhere the s. repens is one of those plants that like blackwater.

horrible image but crypt petchii - it was a tissue and it is doing fairly well - added around sept 1 2024.
You never know what you will find if you use a flash light - and yea i'm holding the flash light in one hand while taking the picture - still nice to see he is still alive (L239).

nice wenditti green - looks pretty healthy. I had a brown but i hate those and that one was growing a bit too fast so i pulled it a few weeks ago. For some reason i always liked teh green and greco green.

In person it looked pretty healthy but in the picture i'm wondering if the cabomba is suffering. It hasn't grown very tall - in 6 months it has stayed super low (in the 65 i have it grows like a weed with stalks over 20 inches long); again it is another plant that liked black water condition.
I have a few other Echinodorus and while they are doing better than the red one they are all suffering... so maybe they need a richer substrate.

This colorful sword grew quite well the first 3 or 4 months but as we can see it is not doing so well. I suspect it is extreme nutrient deficient - i did give it a couple of root tabs yesterday but i don't have much hope. I forget the exact species - but maybe hadi pearl.

That is one nice anubia - nanji maybe. You can see the new leaf looks pretty nice. I never glue my anubia or tie them - rather i just sort of put them around the drift wood. This one has latched on on its own and is now firmly attached with the roots quite deep into the wood. We could call it a bear hug.

a more recent addition around oct 1 2024 - barclay. Not sure if long term it will get enough nutrient but right now it seems like it might bloom.

horrible image but crypt petchii - it was a tissue and it is doing fairly well - added around sept 1 2024.

nice wenditti green - looks pretty healthy. I had a brown but i hate those and that one was growing a bit too fast so i pulled it a few weeks ago. For some reason i always liked teh green and greco green.

In person it looked pretty healthy but in the picture i'm wondering if the cabomba is suffering. It hasn't grown very tall - in 6 months it has stayed super low (in the 65 i have it grows like a weed with stalks over 20 inches long); again it is another plant that liked black water condition.
I have a few other Echinodorus and while they are doing better than the red one they are all suffering... so maybe they need a richer substrate.