I would like o ask for some advise regarding planting up my 60L shrimp tank.
I am doing a complete rescape due to failed attempts.
Am trying to get the tank to be as simple and balanced as possible in the past I had problems with algae and dosed liquid carbon and things didn't end well so I and determined to try and avoid such issues that lead o coming home to remove dead shrimp.
Will be using inert black gravel and probably Tropica plant Growth Substrate.
Here is an idea of the hardscape:
I have a bottle of Tropica Premium Plant Fert but wondering if I should also invest in a bottle of the Specialised for use with the following:
(Trying to achieve a range of colours)
Eleocharis SP (Used to the rear to give height two clumps left and right corners)
Ammania Sp Bonsai (I like the look of this plant but it falls under the medium difficulty category)
Hottonia Palustris
Ludwiga Repens Rubin
Staurogyne Repens
Some form of Anubias
Christmas Moss for the redmoor to create a "tree"
HC Cuba for the carpet (I like the look of the dwarf baby tears but it falls under the advanced category?)
In the past I have tried to grow dwarf hairgrass and Fissidens with no suces I think what I did wrong is not have enough plants and the algae took over then I lost the battle.
So I am trying to go for a high density planted mass this time around and avoid my mistakes.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Nothing would make me happier for this to work out 🙂
Best wishes,
I would like o ask for some advise regarding planting up my 60L shrimp tank.
I am doing a complete rescape due to failed attempts.
Am trying to get the tank to be as simple and balanced as possible in the past I had problems with algae and dosed liquid carbon and things didn't end well so I and determined to try and avoid such issues that lead o coming home to remove dead shrimp.
Will be using inert black gravel and probably Tropica plant Growth Substrate.
Here is an idea of the hardscape:
I have a bottle of Tropica Premium Plant Fert but wondering if I should also invest in a bottle of the Specialised for use with the following:
(Trying to achieve a range of colours)
Eleocharis SP (Used to the rear to give height two clumps left and right corners)
Ammania Sp Bonsai (I like the look of this plant but it falls under the medium difficulty category)
Hottonia Palustris
Ludwiga Repens Rubin
Staurogyne Repens
Some form of Anubias
Christmas Moss for the redmoor to create a "tree"
HC Cuba for the carpet (I like the look of the dwarf baby tears but it falls under the advanced category?)
In the past I have tried to grow dwarf hairgrass and Fissidens with no suces I think what I did wrong is not have enough plants and the algae took over then I lost the battle.
So I am trying to go for a high density planted mass this time around and avoid my mistakes.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Nothing would make me happier for this to work out 🙂
Best wishes,