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Plant quality issues - High Tech.


30 Jun 2020
Stockport, Greater Manchester
Ello boys and girls.

I am hoping to pick some of your brains if i may; please.

Tank has been running since May now.
8th May:


19th June:


10th July:


and the mess as of today:1698496667772.png

I Have not done any maintenance for 4 maybe 5 weeks due to our little man, Lucas being born and 10 days in hospital with Sepsis.

SO what is the issue? lets look closer:


Lights - Chihiros WRGB Pro - 1530 - 2215 with 30 min ramp up and down.
CO2 on 2 hours before lights and drop checker nice and green for photo period (Life Aqua pro reg and CO2 Art inline dif.)
Twinstar Reactor
TMC Vectron UV 600
Eheim Pro4 600 with Purigen and Matrix
Oase BM 600T with Carbon and Matrix
AiNero 3 powerhead on a constant low RPM
Dose 3ml APT complete one day then 3ml Tropica Prem the next (4 APT 3Tropica a week) - i was on 9ml a day of APT but thought i would try and strip back a bit. i have since knocked this up and finally got round to using my dosers to ensure nothing it missed, 4 weeks of use now.

I am due a BIG trim and BIG water change this weekend - if anyone can please help me out and identity what is going on with my plants and any advice is welcome on how much to cut back.

I Would say some issue with lack of K and/or P. I See some holes and lower parts issues, also Leaf margins turned up tells that something is bad on ca-mg-k line.
First of all, and most importantly, I hope your son is doing well and recovering.

Second, I think you answered your own question in your post. That is a long time to go without any maintenance. I think the amount of growth is also a factor in that it’s likely messing with the flow patterns and keeping CO2 from reaching call over the tank adequately. I would just worry about doing a solid trim, removing any visible detritus on the substrate/in and around plants, and remove all unhealthy leaves/stems.

If your tank was chugging along okay before this, then I would just perform the maintenance and not stress your system with any other changes.
Hi all
First of all, and most importantly, I hope your son is doing well and recovering.

Second, I think you answered your own question in your post. That is a long time to go without any maintenance. ... I would just worry about doing a solid trim, removing any visible detritus on the substrate/in and around plants, and remove all unhealthy leaves/stems.

If your tank was chugging along okay before this, then I would just perform the maintenance and not stress your system with any other changes.
I'd agree with that, family always comes first, and I think the tank has stood the test of time pretty well.

Cheers Darrel
Have you tested the Nitrate level?
I suspect it is at a low level.....Matrix will reduce Nitrate.
Carbon will remove some Micro.
When did you add the Bucephalandra?
Hi all,
I suspect it is at a low level.....
Probably true.
.......Matrix will reduce Nitrate.
Seachem will tell you it will, but <"I'm sceptical">.
........ Two of the media were supposedly “denitrifying media” (Biohome Ultimate™ and Seachem De*Nitrate™ [identical to Matrix™ ]) and two of the media couldn’t possibly do denitrification (plastic pot scrubbers and Eshopps plastic bioballs). As a side test two additional media designs which claim to do denitrification were added to the BioHome and De*Nitrate tanks: CerMedia Marine Pure™ ceramic block Bio-Filter Media and a Biocenosis basket.

Both moderate flow and very slow flow filters were set up with the media. The results showed no difference in the nitrate levels of the four tanks after one year or at any point in the year. This shows the two denitrifying media did not denitrify ANY nitrate into nitrogen gas...........

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

Probably true.

Seachem will tell you it will, but <"I'm sceptical">.

cheers Darrel
Hi Darrel
I have used it previously and in my case it could have reduced Nitrate levels with a combination of plants, or it could have been just the plants...what about this video below, is it all flannel?
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Hi all,
or it could have been just the plants
That is <"my guess">. Because it is all guess work the purveyors of "denitrifying" filter media can really say what they like, because no-one can prove their lying.
....... The Seachem advice website is just as ridiculous in it’s explanation of why De* Nitrate works. Saying they don’t know exactly how it works but that anecdotal evidence from “many” users says it does do denitrification. Anecdotal evidence is simply completely and totally unreliable. Virtually all of these users probably have planted tanks and have “tested” only one tank........
The only real way to tell would be with labelled isotopes. There is a paper documenting what they would would need to do:

Wrage N, van Groenigen JW, Oenema O, Baggs EM. (2005) "A novel dual-isotope labelling method for distinguishing between soil sources of N2O". Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 19(22):3298-306. <"A novel dual-isotope labelling method for distinguishing between soil sources of N2O - PubMed">.

Personally if the biomedia in my filter was supporting <"anaerobic denitrification">? I'd be very concerned, because I would be tottering on the brink of an <"ammonia tsunami">.
......... Anybody who talks about <"simultaneous aerobic nitrification and anaerobic denitrification"> in a filter is either after your money, confused <"or deluded">.
We don't know what is happening in the substrate, but if <"anaerobic denitrification was occurring">, that would be fine.
what about this video below, is it all flannel?
I didn't hate it, but lets just say I'm less than convinced. If they had an <"ion selective electrode"> (at the LFS) I'd be more convinced. He would need to dilute his samples with DI water before you could use colorimetry, they are much too "red" to be able to read.

cheers Darrel
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Have you tested the Nitrate level?
I suspect it is at a low level.....Matrix will reduce Nitrate.
Carbon will remove some Micro.
When did you add the Bucephalandra?
All plants were added from day 1, 8th May.
ive not done a water test atall on the new scape to be fair, i will do one later.

Tank water on the left. Tap on the right. - this was March
Ph. 7.3. 6.8
Kh. 8. 9
Mg. 25? 25?
No2. 0.025. 0.025
No3. 1. 0
Po4. 0.2. 1.8
Si02. 0.2. 4
K. 13. 1
Nitrate level zero?
I question this as the Rotala sp do well in lower Nitrate levels.
Nitrate levels being too low and other plants will suffer.....I guess you may have gone through a mini cycle as the Bucephalandra seem to have melted/deteriorated at some point!