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ph/c02 discovery that dont quite understand

Hi all,
Interesting is this Root effect, I didn't know about that...
I don't know anything <"about fish physiology">, but about 15 years ago I met <"some Bristol based L number keepers">, they were "proper" fish keepers, but still struggled with the unexpected (and often symptomless) deaths of large rheophilic Plecs. I was pretty sure that these deaths were oxygen related and that led me to look at the possible causes and from <"there to the Root effect">.

Loricariids are really interesting in dissolved oxygen terms, they have been part of <"an adaptive radiation"> from a common ancestor with the ability to gulp air and extract the oxygen from it. Some species <"retain this ability">, this but many genera are adapted to fast flowing, relatively cool streams and are very sensitive to low oxygen levels <"PlanetCatfish.com - Chaetostoma sp. (L277) (Loricariidae) Cat-eLog">.

cheers Darrel
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