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Pest Snail how to get rid of


20 May 2020
Few weeks ago I bought some plants and notice over last few days more and more pest snails in my cube tank 😡, it was very hard to make out what they are due to very tiny size, I just kept picking them up with tweezers the ones I could, question is how to get rid of them before the problem gets to big? Need something that will just work like a dynamite stick type of treatment, I just don't like snails in tank.

Many Thanks
I used gastropex when i set up my tank to eliminate baby Malaysian trumpet snails. Used when the tank was just planted and I haven't seen one as yet.
If you have a few snails it's best to do a few extra water changes after the treatment course to mitigate any ammonia spikes.
Thanks will try that and see if it works, why could I get ammonia spike? this is established tank
Thanks will try that and see if it works, why could I get ammonia spike? this is established tank
If you have quite a few snails in the tank then when they die and you can't reach all the decaying snails then that could cause a spike.
Little as they are I could only see about 10 managed to pick some out with tweezers but knowing my luck more hidden somewhere, I see you point with ammonia now, will keep eye out.

Let’s hope this will work.
why is the gastropex esha bad for shrimps?
It seems to say it is safe for all other aquarium life other than snails on the box?

(genuine question that may explain why my shrimp population has 'gone into hiding'... although sadly the snails remain!!!)
eSHa Gastropex is shrimp safe at the prescribed dose. But that may not be totally effective. Don't forget to remove all absorbent filter media and take the capacity of your filter in to account.
why is the gastropex esha bad for shrimps?
It seems to say it is safe for all other aquarium life other than snails on the box?

(genuine question that may explain why my shrimp population has 'gone into hiding'... although sadly the snails remain!!!)
I wouldn't say bad but was just putting a word of caution due to some conflicting reports on the Web, and that my tank was empty when I dosed.
Thank you all
I was somewhat upset when my shrimp disappeared...suspected dead, although only one possible body (which could have been a skin shed) has been found.
I had already stopped dosing off the back of this, but I think I will just live with snails from now on!
Hi all,
Nothing wrong with a few snails
I'm a snail fan as well, you can always reduce their number via baiting and a snail trap. I'd be very wary of any chemical methods that claims to kill "all snails", because they range in their susceptibility from "drops dead if anything is slightly wrong" to "likely to survive in nearly all circumstances".

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

I'm a snail fan as well, you can always reduce their number via baiting and a snail trap. I'd be very wary of any chemical methods that kill all snails, because they range in their susceptibility from "drops dead if anything is slightly wrong" to "likely to survive in nearly all circumstances".

cheers Darrel
I actually introduce them to all my tanks, I love snails of all kinds, I must have about 5-6 species! They only take over if you over feed anyway!
Hi all,
I actually introduce them to all my tanks, I love snails of all kinds, I must have about 5-6 species!
I've been contemplating a tank with <"harder water"> to allow me to keep Sulawesi snails (Tylomelania spp.), Theodoxus fluviatilis, Faunus ater etc. If you have shrimps, I think snails are a no-brainer as tank mates.

cheers Darrel
"likely to survive in nearly all circumstances".
I've lost the reference now, but many years ago, I read about a naturalist collecting some Apple Snails from the Amazon basin, preserving them in jars of formalin and sending them back to his museum by sailing ship. Weeks later his colleague took some out of their formalin to examine them and was quite surprised when they crawled away across his desk. 🙂